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Louis just stared at Harry with a clenched jaw until his teeth were hurting and his hands balled into fists breathing deeply through his nose to somehow try to calm himself down.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He gritted out.

"Because I didn't know until half an hour ago. I met him at the bakery and he came up to me and bought me a coffee so we fell into conversation and I found out he was searching for a job so I offered him the post as my assistant. After an interview of course which we just had and I'm telling you, Lou, he is simply perfect. He meets all the requirements I have for an assistant." Harry explained happily, but rage built up deep inside of Louis' stomach and he had trouble not losing his shit right now and possibly demolishing his office- if not the entire building.

"He bought you a fucking coffee and you accepted it and even offered him a fucking job?" He pressed out unbelieving and with big eyes.

"Yeah? Lou, what's wrong with you? I just wanted to return the nice gesture and I took the opportunity to make it easier for myself so I don't have to search for an assistant for an eternity." Harry frowned.

"Nice gesture? Nice gesture?!" Louis crumpled a document between his fingers when he shot up from his chair and stared at Harry crazily who retreated quickly, completely taken aback. "Buying a stranger a fucking coffee is a nice gesture for you? And you never thought about the possibility that he wanted to hit on you or shit?" Louis exclaimed.

"Are you jealous?" Harry realised baffled when his over the top reaction rained down on him and he connected the dots.

"Jealous? Of that dickhead?" Louis scoffed. "Definitely not."

"Of course you are!" Harry called out, needing everything inside of him not to burst out laughing at Louis being jealous although he knew there was no need to be. "Babe, you know I only have eyes for you."

"I know that, Harry. Don't be ridiculous, I'm not jealous. You're mine and no one can change that, especially not some wannabe rich bitch like that little fuc-"

"Louis." Harry quirked an eyebrow interrupting Louis' angry rant.

"I'm just saying." Louis shot him a sarcastic smile. "But I'm warning you only once." He leaned over his desk and locked eyes with Harry, hypnotising him with his perforating look. "If I ever see him touching you or flirting with you or even looking at you for more than two seconds, I swear to god he will regret ever buying you that fucking coffee in the first place, are we clear?" He threatened darkly.

"Y-yes, Sir." Harry nodded quickly noticing the change in Louis' demeanour from simply being angry into his protecting dom role immediately.

"Great." Louis grinned falsely and lowered himself on his chair again. "Now, did you at least get me my promised lunch or did you forget about it being too immersed in your conversation with Mr. Charming?" He huffed and Harry's face turned into horror. "Seriously?" Louis asked with raised eyebrows.

"I'm sorry, Lou!" Harry exclaimed guiltily.

"Thank you. Thank you very much, Harry." Louis muttered and got up without another word now actually angry and not because of his jealousy leaving Harry sitting there with his guilt eating him up.

He was too happy to have found the perfect assistant for him that he completely forgot about Louis, knowing he had a lot to do today and no time getting himself something to eat and now Harry forgot to bring him something.

Louis came back two minutes later, ignoring Harry and sat down behind his desk typing away on his keyboard. Harry watched him silently, feeling like the biggest failure and it bugged him so deeply that his eyes started stinging because he had disappointed Louis.

We made it. | l.s. (mpreg) [Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now