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Sorry for the long wait, but here's a new chapter which is longer than usual to make up for it. x

"Good morning." Harry mumbled tiredly rubbing his eyes as he trudged into the bathroom where Louis was standing in front of the sink brushing his teeth in his briefs.

"Mo'nin'." He murmured around his toothbrush, white foam was running down the corner of his mouth from talking.

Harry hummed and walked straight over to him throwing his arms around his waist and pressed his face in his chest. He inhaled deeply, his nostrils were filling with the heavenly smell of Louis' shower gel whose body was still heated up from the hot water he was soaked in just five minutes ago.

Louis chuckled and put an arm around Harry as he bent over clumsily and spat out the toothpaste when Harry didn't move at all.

"You alright, love? How's your bum?" He asked softly as he glanced down at his husband before rinsing out his mouth with Harry still clinging onto him without attempting to move away.

"Stings. Feels good." Harry mumbled in his chest. He could feel the rumble in Louis' thorax when he chuckled at Harry's statement and a smile crept on his face, his lips curled up where they were lingering on Louis skin just above his heart.

"Yeah? That's not too bad then, right?" Louis asked amused and Harry just hummed in confirmation.

Louis embraced him in his arms properly before lifting his head after a minute of just standing there examining his throat where his fingerprints were still faintly visible. His gaze met Harry's who could see the cautious look in Louis' eyes and sighed.

"I'm still fine, Lou. I meant every word I said yesterday, don't rack your brain again, please." He said softly and reached his hands up flattening the crease on Louis' forehead.

"But it's visible." He pointed out.

"And? That's why I have concealer to cover it up. And it's not like your wardrobe isn't full of turtleneck sweaters." Harry grinned and Louis rolled his eyes fondly.

"Fine. Okay. But you tell me-"

"-if anything bothers me. I will, Lou." Harry finished Louis' sentence with a smile.

"I thought about something. And I think it could be good for us if you're up for it." Louis said slowly scanning Harry's face to see his reaction.

"What is it?" Harry wondered curiously.

"Come on let's go back to the bedroom." Louis pulled him out of the bathroom and they sat down on the bed leaning against the headboard next to each other.

"So I was thinking- only if you want to though- maybe we could talk about your fears and stuff...and the reasons why, you know...everything is as it is now." Louis suggested in a soft voice not to take him by surprise too much.

Harry turned on his axis so he was entirely looking at Louis with a puzzled facial expression.

"W-what do you mean?" He asked with a glimmer of hope. If Louis wanted Harry to get over his fears then he intended to try it again, right?

"I'm thinking about how we could fix this for a few days now. At first I thought with time my doubts would go away and I could just decide to trust you again, but that was wishful thinking. It doesn't work like this and it will need a lot of time, but if we don't do anything for it then it will take forever. And my lack of trust for you isn't the only thing that keeps us from being to how we were. It all started with your fears and they didn't suddenly go away just because of our situation now and even if we decide not to pick up on that lifestyle again we still have to talk about it to be able to have a healthy relationship."

We made it. | l.s. (mpreg) [Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now