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I just realised the last chapter was a mere smut chapter. I think we never had that before, crazy...I know you liked it you greedy little shits.

I made my decision and I will make a third book, hope you like the news. x (I'm not sure about the title yet, if you have any ideas feel free to share them)

"Good morning, sunshine." Louis came up behind Harry who was standing in front of the stove making bacon and scrambled eggs and flung his arms around his middle resting the palms of his hands on his bump and kissed his neck. Harry leaned into the hug automatically and pressed his back against his chest smiling widely, still feeling the warmth Louis' body was radiating from just getting out of bed, not even getting dressed yet properly when he was only wearing sweatpants.

"Good morning." Harry mumbled happily.

"How are you feeling? You alright?" Louis asked and rubbed over his stomach softly.

"I'm good. No wonder I already knew it's gonna be a boy, he's kicking like a pro, probably heard you yelling at the tv all the time when a game was on." Harry chuckled.

"Well, he's a Tomlinson after all." Louis grinned.

"Imma Tomlinson as well!" Ruby called over to them overhearing their conversation.

"Me too." Charlie added.

Harry and Louis both chuckled being happy that the kids took it so casually that they were going to be big siblings. They told them a few weeks ago when it was almost impossible for Harry to hide it anymore, not even when he was mostly wearing Louis' shirts that were way too big on him.

He was now almost seven months along and just as with Charlie he started to show properly pretty late, but then his stomach suddenly popped out over night and the bump was there. At first the kids were shocked, but not even five minutes knowing about the news they actually registered what that meant and they were all happy and excited about it, barely able to wait until their baby brother was born.

When Louis and Harry first talked about the gender they didn't want to know and wanted to be surprised but one night about two weeks ago Harry woke Louis up frantically and crying madly- Louis already thought the worst and fell out of bed in panic when he shot up and tangled his legs in the bedsheets- claiming he needed to know the gender to be able to decorate the nursery properly and the topic of getting surprised was off the table when the next day they called the doc and found out they were having another boy.

"Papa, does it hurt when he kicks you?" Ruby asked curiously.

"No, it doesn't. It just tickles." Harry smiled at her softly.

"Good. Cause boys are mean, you've to be careful, papa." Ruby said smartly.

"I'm not mean." Charlie complained.

"You are! And soon I've to deal with two brothers. That's not fair." Ruby explained.

While the kids were arguing Louis squeezed Harry's hips and placed a kiss right under his ear, humming when Harry slightly tilted his head.

"Sit down, love. I'm getting the food." Louis whispered in his ear.

"No, it's fine. I've got it." Harry smiled and melted into the touch of Louis' lips against his skin.

"It wasn't a suggestion. Sit down." Louis mumbled, his voice an octave lower than normal and Harry instantly stood properly nodding curtly as he dropped his head in submission.

"Of course, Sir." He mumbled and rounded the counter when Louis stepped back and let him pass.

He pressed his hand in his back as he sat down hoping to ease the pain and sighed contently when the pressure loosened and the baby moved so it wasn't laying on his bladder anymore. By the time he had adjusted himself properly Louis approached the table with a plate full of scrambled eggs and a pan that carried the bacon in his hands and put it down on the surface. He scooped some of both on the kids' plates before loading Harry's plate only with eggs and filling his own.

We made it. | l.s. (mpreg) [Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now