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Since their huge fight three weeks ago Louis and Harry were on a high. They talked everything out once more and Louis could convince Harry to take it slow with having sex and not worrying too much. 

Harry kept his promise to be strictly professional with Logan what made Louis happy and proud- and a little bit smug when he noticed Logan wasn't pleased by it but had to accept it either way. He didn't miss a single opportunity rubbing it under his nose that he had Harry because by now he was sure he had at least a crush on him and spent his free time keeping an eye on them. Louis knew he was being immature, but he would never let anyone get away with hitting on his husband and if he couldn't fire him or beat him up then he had to show him in another way.

Ruby and Charlie spent as much time in their rooms as possible being disgusted by their parents being all sappy and loving towards each other when they cuddled to no end, complimented each other with everything and couldn't keep their eyes off each other. They couldn't complain at all though because they benefit from it as well when Louis and Harry bought them random gifts, made trips and let them watch movies and stay up longer than usual and there was barely any argument in the house.

They were sitting at the dining table right now having a light dinner in the evening when Harry's phone rang. He glanced at it quickly to see who was calling and looked at Louis.

"It's Liam, do you mind if I take it?" He asked.

"No, of course not." Louis smiled.

"I do." Ruby pouted playfully and giggled when Louis flicked her nose.

"Hey, Li." Harry grinned at Ruby and stuck his tongue out to her.

"Hey, Haz. I'm just calling to let you know that the school got overflowed because they had a pipe rupture, so school gets cancelled tomorrow. You will most likely get notified as well, but you never know with those unorganised people." Liam explained chuckling.

"Oh, okay good to know. I have to take a look in my mails if we got something, but thanks for letting me know." Harry said gratefully.

"No worries. Hey, do you want to go out with Charlie and Leya tomorrow or will you have a lot of work?" Liam suggested.

"Uh, I have to be on the building site in the morning but we could go out for lunch and do something after." Harry smiled.

"Sounds great. Just text me when it's foreseeable when you can leave." Liam said and they were about to hang up when he spoke up once more. "Oh wait. Zayn wants to talk to Louis."

"Of course he does." Harry sighed amused and handed the phone over to his husband who looked at him questioningly. "For you."

"Hello?" Louis asked into the phone.

"Hey dickhead." Zayn greeted.

"Hey, you my favourite human of all time whom I want to fling my arms around so tightly that your alveolus stops distending atomic number eight through you and you're congesting until you're necrosising and fading away into the aerosphere." Louis greeted glancing at Harry with a grin who stared at him blankly shaking his head disbelieving and the kids were just staring at him confused, having no clue what Louis just said.

"I called you a dickhead and you want to choke me to death? Wow." Zayn huffed in fake offense. "Kids are around?" He guessed.

"Yup." Louis popped the 'p' and took a sip from his beer. "What's up?"

"I miss you." Zayn mumbled.

"I miss you too." Louis replied immediately.

"Alright, bye." Zayn said.

We made it. | l.s. (mpreg) [Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now