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You have to help me decide something again, so you better read this and tell me your opinion or I'm coming for you.
As usual I don't want to hear 'do what feels right' 'its your decision' or whatever, I just want you to quickly vote in the comments and (if you want to) suggest what you'd like to have included or any ideas to make it better. Thank you :)🫶🏻

By now you know- because I dropped that bomb in the previous chapter- there are not many left of this book, BUT(!!!) I wanted to include a few chapters where the kids are older and now I'm torn between two options and I think you can already guess what those are are already, so let's make this quick and painless:

1. A third book where the teenage years of the kids are in the focus (I kinda like the idea of having a trilogy) along with the usual chaos at home, some action in the bedr- uhh excuse me... playroom and sappy love, friendship and work stress


2. A time jump in this book with a few chapters of the things named above but shortened with the main focus on the kids and the lifestyle

It genuinely depends on your votes because I don't want to drag this out too much, but apparently you seem to love and can't let go of this story, so it's completely up to you again.

I have a few ideas for when the kids are older, but regardless of what the final decision will be feel free to make suggestion and as always I will try to include it.

If the third book will happen you have to be aware that the updates will be slower because I want to focus on my other books, maybe I even start a new one, I don't know yet, but let's settle this first and then we'll see.

Thank you as always for reading, voting, commenting and brighten up my days with just being you. I love you all.

Jules. x

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