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I swear you guys know me too well, so many things you suggested/ want to see in this book I have already prepared, it's so funny hahaha so I guess you have to cope with me for a bit longer (at least until I don't have any more ideas)...In the beginning I wanted this to be a short story with about ten chapters and now we're at chapter 27 and I'm sure there will be at least ten more (you still know how bad I am at this) maybe it's even going to be as long as the first book, or maybe it's a never ending story, who knows? Definitely not me...hope that's relatively good news for ya :> with that, enjoy this very long chapter. x

Oh and btw, I just posted a new story on my profile, it's a one-shot called 'Can I draw you?'...maybe you want to check it out, I would appreciate it :) <3

Harry was sitting in his office just five minutes after Louis came up to him to tell him that he was off for the visitation with Anne and Robin for their potential new house just ten minutes away from their house and if the plans for having dinner later were still up- which Harry had confirmed- when his phone rang and Niall's name flashed over the screen.

"Ni, hey." He greeted and clasped the phone between his ear and shoulder to finish his sketch for the plan of the house he was working on.

"Hey, Haz. What's up right now?" Niall chirped.

"Uh, I'm working what else should I do?" Harry chuckled and leaned back in his chair when he drew the last line. Only four more sketches to go and he was done for the day. Sadly it took longer than it sounded like and he already dreaded staying in the office until it turned dark.

"Dunno. It's not unusual that you're not working, so just checking." Niall laughed.

"True. What about you?" Harry chuckled.

"Nothing. That's why I'm calling. I wanted to ask you if you want to go out for lunch today? Liam's also coming. I want to introduce you to my girlfriend."

"Wait. What?" Harry's eyes widened in surprise and he sat up straight taking his phone in his hand now. "When? And how? And why didn't you say anything? What the hell Niall?"

"I swear Liam had the exact same reaction." Niall cackled. "Well, we're only seeing each other for a few weeks and we only made it official a few days ago and you know how it is, you rush things and then you break up and so on, so I didn't want to introduce her before it got serious."

"No, I don't. Because I'm married to my first ever boyfriend." Harry said smugly.

"Don't brag, Harold. I may would've also been instead of you if you wouldn't have stolen Louis from me." Niall huffed jokingly, but Harry wasn't as amused by it as Niall was and just remained silent, but his free hand balled into a fist. "I'm joking, Harry! Don't come for me now, he's all yours." Niall said when the silence dragged on and he could imagine what Harry just looked like.

"I sure hope so, otherwise I will chop off your dick and stuff it down your throat." Harry hissed.

"Woah, okay. Calm down, geez." Niall said grateful they didn't stand face to face now.

"I am calm." Harry gritted out and almost crushed the phone in his hand.

"Yes, sure you are. Just like last time when I-"

"Say one more word and this will be the last thing you did." Harry threatened.

"Fine, okay! I'm sorry, I will never joke around with your husband again or playfully flirt with him or say that you stole him from me. Happy now?" Niall apologised for all the times he just wanted to piss Harry off and every time he regretted it when Harry was close to jump on him.

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