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Just saw that we surpassed 75k on the first book 'Help me.' Wow wow wow!!! Thank you as always, I'm speechless! <3

"Hey, I need to talk to you. Do you have a minute?" Louis said as soon as Harry picked up his office phone.

"Yes, sure. I have a meeting in thirty minutes though. Is everything alright?" Harry asked cautiously. It probably had to do with work because they had a rule to not discuss private things when they were at the office unless it was an emergency.

"It depends. I'm up in two." Louis said before hanging up and getting up from his chair.

He locked his laptop and exited his office to go upstairs where Harry's office was. It was two in the afternoon and he was already exhausted from the day, he had been at two house visitings in the morning and was stuck in a two hour meeting with a client after who didn't seem to be capable of deciding what he wanted and changed his requirements the entire time. He hadn't had lunch and his headache was killing him and now he had to break the bad news to Harry.

He knocked on Harry's door but didn't wait for an answer when he opened it and stepped inside slumping down on the couch immediately with a sigh.

"You look stressed." Harry observed from where he was sitting behind his desk revising the plans for their current project on his computer. He leaned back and stopped what he was doing fully concentrating on Louis now.

"I am stressed, Harry." Louis huffed.

"Why?" Harry wondered and rolled back on his chair.

"Come here." Louis patted the spot next to him and Harry immediately got up and took his seat.

"What's wrong?" Harry frowned knowing the serious look on his husband's face well enough to know that the reason why he wanted to talk to him wasn't good news.

"I received a call twenty minutes ago." Louis started and adjusted his seat to be able to look at Harry.

"Okay?" Harry said confused.

"From your mum." Louis just said.

He watched how Harry's eyes widened and his face turned into a stone cold mask, his jaw clenched and his hands balled into fists in his lap.

"And she asked me to continue working for her and if she could make an appointment." Louis explained cautiously weighing every word and observing Harry's facial expression and every little thing that changed. He wouldn't be surprised if Harry started to blow up now.

"And what did you say?" Harry asked apathetically. He had a hard time keeping his calm when anger bubbled up inside of him.

"I said I'd talk to you first because I won't make this decision on my own." Louis stated truthfully. Harry sighed and rubbed his hands over his face.

"Lou, I appreciate that you want my approval first, but this is about the job and-"

"Wait. Hang on before you talk further." Louis interrupted him. "This isn't about the job. This is about you. And your mum. The job is secondary and we said we are a team, so I- in no fucking way- decide this over your head. Not after everything that's happened between you two."

"Okay. Fine. Do it, I don't care." Harry shrugged being the stubborn idiot he was, but then he saw the frown on Louis' face and his brain screamed at him to stop this act. Louis didn't trust him and he could only start to trust him again when Harry was completely honest with him and opened up to him when something bothered him and now he had the perfect opportunity to talk to Louis even if he wasn't comfortable with this topic and show him that he was serious with wanting to gain his trust again. "No, stop. I do care." He retreated quickly, just as Louis opened his mouth.

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