Chapter 1

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Third Person Prospective

As Bri was in the car as her Uncle John drove past acreages, farm fields, houses and streets. Bri became more excited and her Aunt Grace knew it as she smiled at the little 11 year old girl. "Just 3 more hours and then we'll be there," Aunt Grace spoke to the child. As Bri could barely sit still from her own excitement, rushing through her blood veins.

As Bri looked at the right window of the car, she saw horses, cows, people, dogs, stray cats, squirrels and birds pass by the moving car. But something was a bit weird, something was standing in the distance of the car, and it kept appearing closer in the distance of the cars window..

As Uncle John's car came to a holt, Bri could see this figure clearly now.. It was a black and white clown, with children surrounding it with happy faces, the smiles of joy were plastered on their faces.

The clowns face also had a smile on it's face, which Bri began to laugh and smile. As they all started waving at Bri she started to wave back, Bri wanted to go and be with the kids as they all seemed to be around her age or even younger.

But just then Uncle John slightly steps on the gas, and they start moving again. Which catches Bri off guard, and she falls back into the passengers seat.

"Bri put your seatbelt on, you know how dangerous it can get with it off!" Aunt Grace spoke in a worried tone, to which Bri sat down behind the passenger seat and kept looking out the window.

As Bri saw the clown and the children go by, she started to see something that gave her goosebumps..
The kids no longer had their happy faces or smiles at all, they all looked terrified of something.. As she began to watch this, it was like the time went in slow motion..

She could see that the clown was holding candy with its bloody hands, as it had blood all over its face. Bri could see all the children, they were on the ground no longer moving or showing any happiness.. As she looked closer, she could see that the children were also covered in the warm dark red liquid indicating that it was their own blood..

As the blood began to pool around the dead children's bodies, the clown kept looking at Bri knowing that she was observing it's mess that it made. But according to it's mind it was a like a beautiful masterpiece, as it smiled and waved at Bri as in a sinister goodbye kind of way..

Bri wanted to scream but she couldn't, but she wouldn't at the same time because it would distract her Uncle from driving. As time went back to normal, Bri could feel the color drain from her skin from what she just saw..

Just then, Bri looked out the windshield window in front of the car, and saw a truck coming towards them. Bri began to get confused, but it wasn't until then when her Uncle John tried to move out of the way of the vehicle coming straight at them. But to no avail, as there was a huge crashing sound..

As the glass shattered from each window, as her Aunt Grace and Uncle John let out a blood curdling scream before they became extremely silent, as Bri began to feel pain as some glass shards pierced her skin and made small to huge gashes, in her soft like heavenly skin.. As Bri tried to get out of her seatbelt like prison but to no avail. As she looked around the car to find something to help her, she then started to hear footsteps coming towards the car as she heard the crunching sound of the broken glass...

As she looked to her right out the window of the dead like car, she saw the black and white clown still covered in fresh blood as it shined in the sunlight.. "You WILL see him Bri, wether you want it to happen or not. He's coming for you, he'll find you like he found all of us in desperate need of help. He guided us, he showed us so much more then this human world could ever provide, join us Bri join us Bri. You're not a normal girl Bri, your just like us." The clown spoke,
As the clown spoke it was clear this clown wasn't an it, it was for sure a male..

As Bri looked into the clowns eyes with fear, that was the last thing she felt and that clown was the last thing she saw. Before she blacked out of the car crash, she blacked out of this world hoping to come back and not feel this forsaken pain..

As Bri began to wake up, she could feel that she was moving. So she began to open her eyes that felt so tired so dead of life, she saw that she was in an ambulance as she looked around to see a male and a female in the back with her.

Once they saw that she was awake they rushed to her side, "oh sweetie it's going to be alright we're taking you to the nearest hospital to fix that broken arm and leg of yours, don't worry we put numbing in your body so you wouldn't feel a thing." The lady spoke in a calm tone, as Bri nodded she looked to see another person in here with them..

The figure was a boy, maybe around 14-15. "They couldn't *tic* save my sister, but they could s-save *tic* me.. I-I was the one who didn't *tic* feel anything, m-m-my d-dad didn't care.. But I finally found *tic* someone who did care, he will care about you *tic* Bri tr-tr-trust me." The boy spoke, then he vanished out of thing air.

Once he did Bri began to black out again, to a world of nothingness, a world filled with darkness nothing else, but her and her thoughts...

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