Chapter 5

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2 months later

As Brianna was excited to go camping with her Granny Amelia, Granddad Jack, Aunt Susie and Uncle Gabriel. Knowing all the adventures they would go on, they couldn't wait a minute longer!

The only part that really sucked was they were staying for the Wednesday, Thursday and Friday the 13th.. Which Brianna wasn't too fond of, but she wanted to go camping!

As they all got their stuff packed into Granddad Jack's trailer, they started to head off to Camp Billie Jean. As this camp was named after one of Michael Jackson's music hits, in the late 80s is when they named it. Which Brianna was excited to go camping so she couldn't wait.

But she was still uneasy about moving vehicles still, because of the accident that happened almost 3 years ago, coming up in March 25 the year of the crash was 2016.

As they started to near the campground with no car crash or anything, which relieved Brianna as vehicles still give her PTSD from the car accident. But they soon got to the campsite closest to the big forest, which was a distance from the lake but not too far. But rumor has it that a boy named Benjamin drowned in that lake, but nobody knows his last name.. But they say his own father was under the influence of alcohol, and drowned him with his bare hands..

As they got out of the truck, Bri's Uncle Gabriel and Aunt Susie helped set up the camper. As all of them encouraged Bri to go play, and make new friends. So Brianna agreed and went off on her own, down to the lake..

As she got there since she had sandals on she just walked along the lakes edges getting her feet slightly wet. As she was laughing by herself, playing along the shoreline of the lake. Bri then realized that she was all alone, which made her uneasy so she was about to leave until..

"Help me!!" Bri heard a boy's voice call out, so on instinct Bri whipped around to see a boy with glasses, dull green eyes, blonde hair, slightly pale skin, the boy was wearing a white shirt with a dark green hoodie, light blue jeans, green and white street like shoes which was all normal but one thing wasn't, which was the most disturbing thing about this boy was, he was soaked head to toe in water.. He had kelp on him along with sand, but the worst thing was his lips looked to be tinted blue..

"Umm hello, what do you need help with?" Bri asked the boy, in response the boy began to cry..

"M-My name is Benjamin or Ben for short, m-my father left me in the water for too long.. My game was cursed, now I'm stuck in the game.. He came for me when I was stuck, he helped me, he'll help you too Brianna!" Benjamin spoke, which gave Bri chills as Benjamin was the boys name that drowned in this exact lake.. But what creeped Bri out the most, was that Benjamin knew her name like all the other boys and that clown..

As Bri blinked her eyes a few times, the boy started to glitch, and his appearance started to change into a game character Bri was all too familiar with.. It was Link from The Legend of Zelda but this Link seemed to be from Majora's Mask..

But something was off about this Link in particular, as his eyes were black with red dots in the middle of his eyes, either a black or red substance ran down his face like tears.. But the clothes this Link was wearing, were different then the original Link's outfit in Majora's Mask...

As Benjamin started to smile like a madman, he pointed towards the enormous forest.. As Bri looked over to the forest, her head was filled with static sounds.. As Benjamin began to laugh like a madman, he snapped his fingers then something appeared around Brianna's ankles and hands..

Once she looked she was confused but yet terrified for her life, as it was metal like hand cuffs with a chain attached to it, leading into the water.. But these cuffs were not what the police use to arrest criminals. But more like how they lock criminals in place in The Legend of Zelda from that kind of prison..

As Brianna looked at Benjamin he was smiling like an insane madman serial killer, as he pulled Bri close to him. Then he put a cuff around her throat, "now let's see how well you'll do underwater." Benjamin darkly spoke out to Bri with a sly smirk on his face,

As Benjamin snapped his fingers again the cuffs became tight holding their place, as the chain connected to the cuffs leading into the water started to pull Bri closer and closer to the water. "Don't fight it Bri I won't kill you, but this'll draw attention and maybe I'll kill that person instead." Benjamin darkly laughed out, making Brianna begin to cry.

As Benjamin snapped his fingers again the chains pulled on Bri so hard that she fell over, this is when Brianna began to scream for help.. As the chains began to pull her closer and closer to the water, her feet finally touched the water..

Which made Brianna scream even louder for help, as the chains had pulled her legs into the water.. Then she looked up to see her Uncle Gabriel and Susie driving their quads down the hill straight for her.

As the chains pulled her where the water was about to cover her head, as Brianna screamed for help one more time. She took a deep breath then the chains started to pull her under the water, but before she could get any deeper she felt someone grab her and pull her up to the surface.

It was her Uncle Gabriel and Aunt Susie, as Bri began to breath in relief but she then remembered what Benjamin said, that he would kill the person that would save her.. As she looked to where Benjamin was, he gave the most darkest smirk that Brianna has ever seen. As Bri felt the cuffs being removed from her, that was when her uncle and auntie got confused as they looked at their hands and ankles..

They gave her a scared look and so did she as her uncle placed me down, "Bri get on shore.. We love you, please go back to camp with Granny and Grandad!" Uncle Gabriel spoke softly, as Brianna began to cry.

"We'll be okay Bri, we'll watch over you in heaven, we love yo-" before her Aunt Susie could finish Benjamin snapped his fingers, which brought both her Aunt and Uncle underwater as they screamed and took a breath before they hit the water..

As Bri watched this, she looked at Benjamin as he looked at her.. He smiled at her evilly, as he snapped his fingers and vanished out of thin air..

As Brianna was so shocked at this, she ran back to camp crying the entire way there.. As she didn't want to believe that these people, were slowly killing off her family that she loves with her whole heart..

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