Chapter 26

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"I knew you'd love it."

I heard Slender say behind me, which I spun around and faced him with a smile on my face. As he extended his hand out to me, which I gladly took his hand as I looked at him. Which he chuckled, as I got kinda confused as to why he was chuckling for?

"You have really lost your mind, I knew you would. Now my question is, are you ready to call my mansion your home forever?" Slendy asked, which I giggled and nodded.

"Yes Slendy I am, my question is to you. Can you really handle someone like me in your mansion?" I asked, Slender laughed.

"Darling I can handle you trust me, you should check your memory though. Because the proxies I have, I can handle." Slender spoke, which I giggled.

"So will my appearance change once I become proxifed?" I asked, which Slender shrugged.

"Depends on the person, if I proxife you. You could end up blood thirsty, or you could become more beautiful like unhuman like beautiful to the point in being fake. But it depends on you, and how you act around me." Slender spoke, which I nodded.

"Now my question is, are you ready to become mine forever?"



Once me and Slender were done with our chit chat, he pushed me up against the tree with his tentacles gently as I looked at him he began to chuckle as I felt myself change and morph as I felt myself have a feeling of comfort hearing Slender's static I began to giggle as my vision started to blur out my surroundings as Slender was the only one I could see. I smiled, as he came closer to me as he caressed my cheek lovingly.

"It's done, this look really brings out your body, your features it brings out everything especially your eyes." Slender spoke which I giggled, as he put me down I realized I was now as tall as Slender's chest.

As he led me to a tree as he snapped his fingers to reveal a mirror, I was a unhuman like height as my skin still was human pale maybe even paler than normal, I wore a beautiful deep red dress with black high heels along with a black dress coat, my hair was curled into waves as I had red eyeshadow with black eyeliner, I had not even a noticeable blush on with deep red lipstick. My eyes were brought into a dull greyish blood red, I smiled at how I looked.

I looked at Slender which he was inches away from my face. Which I couldn't resist to kiss him, so I did. As he kissed back I noticed that he formed a mouth with his magic, as his tongue slipped deep into my mouth as Slender's tongue asserted dominance over mine. as i began to feel weak as I was lacking air to breath, Slender pulled away as his mouth smirked as it disappeared into his blank face again.

"You belong to me now my sweet Bri, you and I have the upper power of the whole mansion. But there's still one rule for you my dear, DON'T you EVER disobey me darling." Slender spoke as his cheeks sunk into his face, n where his eyes should be has also sunken in as well.

"Oh Slendy now why would I do that?" I asked, as Slender pinned me to the nearest tree with his tentacles.

"I don't want any traders, you're only alive because of Sally and Sadie. If you disobey me, that'll be the last of your rope and you'll have a slow and PAINFUL death, Brianna." Slender spoke as he got closer to me, while caressing my throat as his tentacles slowly wrapped around my body like a python would to choke it's pray.

"You don't scare me Slender." I spoke as I gave Slender a smirk, as my eyes went pitch black.

Slender chuckled at this and came closer to me, as I felt a shiver go down my boney back.

"Heh that's what you say now my dear, but I know how to make you afraid I know everyone's weaknesses and strengths."

As Slender kept talking to me in his cold dark voice, his tentacles kept getting tighter and tighter as I began to feel fear take over but I didn't show it as I've showed it long enough, that'll just please Slender.

"I can sense your fear Brianna, just show it and you'll be released from my grasp."

As my eyes began to widen as Slender could kill me, or leave me badly hurt... I could let him see but he could be lying, so I stood my ground. Slender chuckled, as I looked up at him with anger in my eyes which was covering what I really felt.

"Very well, pretty masked face. You surprise me Bri everyday, but remember who you belong too. It doesn't matter if you run, I'll always find you and punish you for all of what you have done."

With that being said Slender vanished, leaving me in the woods alone as Slender had left in bedded in the tree next me 'find your way to my mansion Brianna, before the wolves get hungry and start looking for a meal.'

As I rolled my eyes as I knew Slender was testing me again, he always does this to new Proxies I mean that's what Kate said anyways I have had multiple encounters with Kate after the first one, she always watched over me and always told me what to be prepared for so I have to really thank her.

I walked through the forest as now it's no longer Identified as SlenderMan's forest but as my new home, I'm just hoping nobody finds me in this state but I mean who will even care at this point? Everyone whoever cared for me is dead, rotting away where we left them or in their graves.

So no one's coming, there's no evidence of me being killed or alive but I'll be missing just without any evidence of where I am, means if anyone try's to find me is going to have to go through hell and back. But there's no point I'm Slender's Proxy now, and my mission is to listen and obey to SlenderMan at all costs. My job? Is to kill whoever I am assigned to kill, which means I gotta show Slender I'm worthy of being a proxy and on his side.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2023 ⏰

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