Chapter 12

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As Wednesday and Thursday went by like nothing, and now it was already Friday. As Bri woke up to the familiar shaking pattern, she woke up to see Sally there! And as she said on Tuesday she brought a friend with her, but this friend seemed to be a bit older than both Bri and Sally.

Sally's friend was also a female, as she had long beautiful straight golden blonde hair, her right eye was a light kind of browny gold color while the other eye was pitch black as a black substance ran down her face like tears, as the same thing was running down her open cut on her throat, as the girl was wearing a beautiful all white dress.

As Bri seemed confused as she looked at Sally, "oh how rude of me I'm Sadie." Sadie spoke to Bri, as Bri smiled.

"I'm Brianna but everyone just calls me Bri for short."

"Nice to meet you Bri, Sally has told me a lot about you. I think a lot of our friends would love to meet you as well, but that won't happen for a very very long time.." Sadie spoke as her voice drifted off, as Sally nudged her.

As they all were talking and having good conversations, Bri eventually got out of bed and got a bright red t-shirt on, with dark grey short coveralls while Bri put on black socks and a red bow bandanna to complete her tomboy kind of look. As she came out of the bathroom, Sally seemed to really like Bri's outfit while Sadie did too. She helped with straightening out Brianna's outfit, and helping her with her hair by putting it in a ponytail.

"Annnd done! What do you think Bri?" Sadie asked, as Bri looked in the mirror Bri absolutely loved the way it flowed.

"Oh my goodness I absolutely love it, thank you thank you Sadie!!" Bri happily spoke and hugged Sadie, which made Sadie giggle a little.

"No problem, now let's get something to eat and we can go to the park!" Sadie spoke excitedly, which Bri and Sally's eyes lit up with joy.

As Bri went downstairs with Sally and Sadie following closely behind, then Sadie helped Bri make something to eat. Which was apple slices, caramel dip and strawberries. As Bri was eating Nicole walked into the kitchen, and looked at Bri a bit confused then she looked at what Bri was eating.

"Did mom do your hair and did dad or mom make you that?" Nicole asked her little sister, as Bri looked at Nicole and back at her food.

"My new friend Sadie did my hair and made me this!" Bri spoke happily, which Nicole rolled her eyes.

"Mom dad!!" Nicole yelled out to their parents, as they came out of their room and downstairs as they yawned.

"Yes Nicky, what's the matter?" Liam asked his daughter, while he stretched.

"Did you or mom make Bri this fruit bowl and mom did you do Bri's hair?"

"Umm no neither of us made anything today, we just got up like a few seconds ago.."

"Wh-What?.." Nicole spoke as she looked at her little sister, which Bri looked a bit mad as Nicole didn't believe her for the 1000th time!

"See I told you, Sadie my new friend helped me do my hair and made me my fruit bowl!" Bri spoke angrily as she continued to eat.

As Nicole left the scene all embarrassed Ava and Liam went back up to their room to go back to sleep or get ready for the day. "Jeez someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed, *cough* *cough* NICOLE!!" Sadie spoke in a goofy voice, making both Bri and Sally laugh.

Once Bri was done, Sadie helped Bri and Sally put on their shoes. Once Sadie did they all left for the park, as Bri and Sally ran ahead with Sadie following close behind. Once they reached the crosswalk, Sally held Bri's left hand while Sadie held Bri 's right hand. As they were walking across the crosswalk a cop car pulled up, once they made it to the other side the driver's side window unrolled.

"Hey Brianna, where are your parents or better yet where's Nicole or Gabe??" The officer spoke to the little girl, which Bri turned around.

"Oh hi Chief Jax! Don't worry my friends Sally and Sadie are here, they'll take care of me!" Bri spoke happily as Jax the Chief of police, and well known good friend of the Anderson-Smith family.

"Um Miss Bri I don't see your friends, um do you mind hopping in the back while I drive you home?" Jax asked the little girl, which Bri shook her head no.

"I'm fine Mr. Jax, I'm just heading to the park with my friends!"

"I'm not taking that for an answer, get over here right now. I don't think your mother or father would want you roaming around Turner Forest all alone, so please get in." Jax spoke sternly, Bri looked at Sadie and Sally they seemed extremely mad.

"Bri Sally go to the park, I have to have a word with Mr. Chief of police, I promise I'll meet you at the park." Sadie spoke to her two friends, as Sally and Bri nodded as they started to walk away to the park.

"Brianna! Brianna get back here!!"

"Oh hello officer, I'm Sadie and Sally is going to the park with Brianna so your fine!" Sadie spoke, as Jax looked at Sadie he seemed creeped out.

"She's in good hands, we're taking care of her she'll be fine." Sadie spoke, then she disappeared and went to the park to catch up with Sally and Bri.

Which she found them swinging on the swings while talking to one another, as they were giggling this made Sadie happy. But just then a presents of someone she was all too familiar with, was behind her..

Hello Slender, what can I do for you on this fine day? Sadie spoke in her head, as to not draw attention to her.

Who is this girl Sally keeps on visiting, she's human right? Slender spoke in Sadie's head, as she nodded.

Yes she's human, her name is Brianna or Bri for short. Well I don't exactly know why Sally keeps on visiting her, but they're really good friends.

Hmm, how about we take Sally away from Bri so she forgets all about her. Because it's too risky for you and Sally to interact with a human like this, but since she knows you two.. She might have to die or become a Proxy.

Slender we can't just kill her she has a huge family, unless we drive her insane to become a Proxy just like what you did with Kate, Toby, Masky and Hoodie. I think it'll be the best choice, unless you still want her dead it's your choice Slendy.

As much as I enjoy the thought of killing her, I think making her suffer by torturing her sounds a lot better. Well Sadie, let's welcome a new Proxy into the mansion in 12 years...

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