Chapter 16

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As Bri was waiting oh so desperately for help, she could hear the sound of her father's car drive up the driveway and park. As Bri heard her father and brother get out of the car, she waited as she could only rely on her sense of hearing to help her. Then after a few seconds of waiting, Brianna heard the sound of the front door open and close as Gabe and Liam entered the house.

"Gabe can you go get Bri from her room, while I get dinner started?" Bri heard her father say, as Gabe didn't make any noise so Bri was guessing he nodded his head.

"Sure thing dad!" Bri heard Gabe say, as she started to hear distance footsteps.

Then the footsteps started to near Bri's bedroom door, as Gabe stopped when he reached the door.. As a light knock was heard from the other side of the door, "hey Bri me and dad are home!" Bri heard her brother say, but Bri couldn't respond which broke her.. As it would seem like she is asleep, but that's when Bri was wrong...

As Bri heard the door open, "Bri- OH MY GOD! DAD CALL 911 BRIANNA'S BLEEDING AND SHE'S TIED UP!!!" Bri could hear her brother yell out to their father, as Liam ran up the stairs with his phone in his hand.

As he entered Brianna's room, that's when the smell of fresh blood hit his nose.. That's when Liam's eyes laid on his tied up daughter, as he saw the mess his youngest daughter was in, as his eyes clearly showed that he was shaken up by the bloody sight he saw.. As blood stained Bri's skin and clothes, the golden strings were also stained with Brianna's blood.. As Bri's mouth and eyes were stitched shut, as her skin started to rip from how tight the strings were stitched, as Bri's hands were tied above her head while her legs were tied together as Brianna sat on her knees, the middle part of Bri had strings as well but it was like these strings were trying to chock the life out of Bri, by giving her less air to breath..

As Liam dialed 911 for help, to get his daughter out of this mess.. Gabe tried to get the strings off his little sister but to no avail, "god Bri who did this to you.." Gabe spoke out to his sister, as he wasn't expecting a response since his sister's mouth was stitched shut.

"Why my little friend did, you know Puppeteer really loves to play around with his victims!" A man's voice spoke out from the darkness of Bri's room, as Gabe turned towards the voice there was no dark shadowy figure hiding in the darkest parts of Bri's room. As now the only voice that filled the room was Liam talking to a agent as they talked, there would be an ambulance coming and a few police cars to investigate the crime scene..


As Bri felt herself moving in a vehicle, she began to get PTSD from the car crash again.. As she wanted to scream stop, she couldn't as her mouth was stitched shut.. As Bri had to endure this ambulance ride to the hospital, as Bri left 4 sets of hands on her she hoped they were paramedics..

"Miss are you awake, if you can nod your head please do so." A female paramedic spoke out to Bri, which then Bri tried to nod her head which was a success!

"Okay good, do you know who did this to you?" The same paramedic spoke to Bri again, which Bri had to lie so she shook her head no.

"Were you asleep when this all happened?" A male paramedic spoke to Bri, which Brianna nodded her head yes.

"Damn this poor girl, she has been through so much over the years from 10 years old to 14 years old.." Bri heard the female speak out to her partner, as Bri thought for a minute.. How do they know that, do I know them? Does mamá and papá know them? Bri thought to herself, as then it clicked this could be Henry and Gracelynn! They knew Brianna since she was in Ava's tummy, they have been that close with the Anderson-Smith family same with The Chief of Police Jax.

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