Chapter 8

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As Brianna was drawing at her desk, because that's all she really does nowadays. But in rare occasions she'll hangout with her friends and family, but it's very rare.. As Bri's always playing games, drawing, and taking care of herself like showering and eating here and there.

But she's still shaken up by the deaths of her family members that had past, due to the creatures she keeps seeing and hearing in her head.. But Bri always put on a happy face because then everything's okay, at least that's what everyone says..

Because, hey she'll put on a happy face then everything's okay! She'll put on a happy face, because she'll say she's happy, happy a day! She'll say she's good, she'll say she's fine, she'll say she's happy, happy a day!

As Bri heard the birds chirping, Bri got up from her chair and looked out the window of her room. Only to be met with a girl that stood across the street like that faceless man, which Bri shut her window and closed the blinds along with her curtains. To avoid having another encounter with another creature, that is only wanting her blood or even her families blood..

As Bri went back to her drawings, she sighed as she hasn't eaten since 2 days ago. Which her stomach started growling at just the thought of not eating, but it's been going on for a week and a half now.. As Bri began to get extremely stressed out, as the only thought in her head was who's the next victim to die at the hands of a creature in her family..

That's always the main thought in her mind nowadays, so by keeping herself occupied she's always drawing and gaming. As it seems to help her and that's the only thing keeping her well and breathing, well maybe not well but breathing yes.

As Bri drew another picture of a dog, a black and white Siberian Husky puppy, Bri smiled and began to give the little pup a smile and give it a wagging tail. As she was impressed and pleased with her work, she put her sketchbook away and went downstairs to at least get something to eat.

As Bri opened her bedroom and made her way downstairs, she saw Ryan and her mom just talking. So she just quickly and quietly got a granola bar, but of course Bri wasn't fast enough and they noticed her..

"Hey Bri I'm surprised to see you out of your room, so me, your guys father, Nicole, Gabe and Ryan are going to see Alley your oldest sister, and we're wondering if you wanted to come." Ava spoke to her youngest child, which Bri spun around.

"W-We actually get to see Alley?!" Bri excitedly spoke, which her mother and brother laughed and nodded their heads.

"Yes so we'll be staying their for a whole week, so if you are coming please pack a bag. Because we're all leaving tomorrow, so hurry up!" Gabe spoke to his little sister, as he watched her excited face light up with even more joy as she ran upstairs.

As Bri ran into her room, she grabbed her red suitcase and started packing up to go and visit her 22 year old sister. So Bri packed stuff like tank tops, shorts, T-Shirts, jeans, hoodies, socks, underwear and bras. Once she had everything organized in her suitcase, she grabbed a makeup kind of bag, so perfume, deodorant, toothbrush, toothpaste and some makeup as Bri started getting into this stuff when she was 12.


As Brianna woke up she turned over and looked around her dark room, as she looked at her phone in an annoyed way. As her phone read 4:08am, she groaned in annoyance as she just wanted sleep. It's been so difficult for her to even get sleep, because of lack of nutrients from food and all she does is draw and game out.

As that's how she distracts herself from all the trauma she has went through, as Bri knows that her being a 13 year old girl isn't the luckiest thing to happen to her.. All these encounters, all these deaths of her beloved family members.. But now the real question is, who's going to make this out alive..

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