Chapter 6

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A few days later...

As Brianna was still recovering from her Uncle Gabriel and Aunt Susie's death, her mother on the other hand wasn't doing the best with coping as she started to smoke cigarettes.. Bri hated the smell or even the thought of starting to smoke cigarettes, as her father was there for his wife and his wife was there for him.

Brianna felt guilty about what happened to her uncle and auntie, but there was nothing she could've done.. As the Anderson-Smith family sat at the family room couch watching tv, Ava got a call from her parents.. But without thinking Ava put it on speaker phone,

"Hey mom hey dad, why are you calling so late?" Ava asked her parents,

"A-Ava call a-an ambulance, someone wa-was here.." Amelia spoke to her daughter, as Ava's breath hinged in the back of her throat..

"M-Mom are you okay?? Is dad okay??"

"Your father is dead, th-there were big gashes o-on his sides.. B-B-" Amelia was speaking, until what sounded like the phone dropping and a big thud was heard from the other side..

"Mom?? Mom?! MOM?!?!" Ava screamed, but no response came from the other end..

This was indicating that Jack and Amelia Smith were dead, as Ava hung up the phone. She couldn't help but to let all of her agony and sorrows out, as she began to cry. Brianna heard something from the distance, that made all the pain of her mother crying fade away from her ears..

As she looked in the doorway she saw a figure standing there, she couldn't see it but it saw her and ran in the darkness.. So in one quick motion Bri got up and started running after the figure, which left her siblings and parents in shock..

As Bri ran after the figure, they went all the way up to the third floor since they were in the basement.. As the figure reached Brianna's room, she ran in there. But the figure disappeared, but just then the door slammed shut and it locked..

As Brianna whipped her whole body in the direction of her bedroom door, she saw yet another boy.. He had brown hair and medium kind of bluey eyes, he was wearing dark navy blue jeans with black and white sneakers, with a dark grey black like hoodie. This boy also had glasses as well, just like Benjamin..

"I can't see, my friends said kidneys would help my eyesight.. It did, until the disease.. I ate the kidney, now my death was on cult.. They took my eyes, now all that fills my sockets is a never ending blackness.." The boy spoke, which left Bri stunned on how he got up to her room then.

As Bri blinked a few times in confusion, the boys appearance changed in the matter of Bri's blinking. The boy's skin was now a medium kind of dark grey but it was still a light shade as well, the boy's hood was up covering his brown hair, but what was weird was the boy was now wearing a mask, it was blue and the mask had a  black substance running down it..

As Brianna stepped back as an uneasy feeling came upon her, as the boy stepped closer to Bri. He began to take off his mask.. As Bri looked at him, the same black substance stained his face like tears, his teeth weren't human like at all they were like fangs.. As the boy laughed, Bri began to step back away from the boy.

But the boy wouldn't let her as he put his mask over his empty void like eyes, but left his mouth uncovered.. "Oh and by the way, I didn't know how tasty your Granny Amelia and Granddad Jack's kidneys were, so I did a little taste test for myself.. They were delicious, I can't wait for more." The boy darkly spoke, then he left Bri in her dark room as he jumped out the window..

This left Brianna in the worst state ever, that boy ate her Granny and Granddad's kidneys.. This year of being 13 was just getting worse and worse by the minute, as Bri crawled in bed not wanting to be anywhere near anyone. She began to feel sick to her stomach, as this was happening all too fast..

Brianna has already lost 8 people in her life that she loved dearly, it's all because of these boys and creatures that she keeps seeing.. But she wouldn't tell anyone, because her parents might think she's insane or a bad luck child..

No matter the cause, she would never open up to anyone about this. Not even her friends know, not even her siblings, not even her parents.. But her grandparents and aunties and uncles do now, but it's too late their all gone..

Because of this unlucky year of 13 years of age, all the dates of Friday is just Friday the 13th, it must've been miss printed right? Well nobody truly knows, as the modern phones say the exact same thing..

As Bri stared off into space, she heard a knock at her door then in came Nicole her oldest sister. "Ummm do you mind explaining to me why you just up and ran off?" Nicole spoke to her sister, Bri looked at Nicole then back at the ceiling.

"No, I'm just shocked that Granny and Granddad are gone is all.."

"Are you sure Bri? Because you ran out of the room pretty quickly, you didn't even say a word you just ran out."

"Look Nicky I'm fine okay? Please just leave and shut the door, I'm just extremely tired.." Bri angrily spoke to her older sister, as she turned over and just ignored her oldest sister.

"You know that's not how you talk to people older then you, in the morning I would absolutely love an apology from you." Nicole spoke, as she slightly slammed Brianna's door from her anger.

Brianna turned over and sighed, "god I'm a mess.." She spoke quietly to herself, as a feeling of being watched suddenly settled in..

So Bri was confused why this sudden feeling came over her, so she got up from her bed and went to look out her window.. But what she saw wasn't too bad, it was a man standing outside but he wasn't under the light of the lamp post. So Bri couldn't see the man in detail, but soon he stepped into the light..

That's when Brianna's stomach twisted in the worst way possible, this man was extremely tall like unhuman like tall.. He was around 8 to 9 feet tall, he was extremely pale, like his skin was almost like snow, he was wearing an all black suit and shoes but his red tie could catch anyone off guard..

As the man's faceless features slightly looked up, it was now obvious that the man was now looking at Bri.. But she couldn't stop looking at the faceless man, but then static filled Bri's head making her fall unconscious..

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