Chapter 10

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As Bri was looking out her window she felt a little tug on her sock, as Bri looked down she saw her little Siberian Husky pup tugging not too hard on her sock but enough to get his owners attention. Once Smiles the husky pup saw that his owner was looking at him, he grabbed his black and red leash and started to wag his tail. Which of course Bri giggled at this, "oh you want to go for walk don't you Smiles?" Bri asked her dog, which Smiles leaped with joy and started to wag his tail a bit faster.

So Bri grabbed the leash from Smiles's mouth then they both dashed out of Bri's room and downstairs. As Bri grabbed her shoes, she hooked the leash onto Smiles's collar. When Bri was about to reach for the door handle to open it, "um where do you think your going?" Bri heard her older sister Nicole say, which caused Bri to turn around.

"I'm taking Smiles out for a walk, because he'll build up energy if I don't, you know it's unhealthy to keep a dog especially a puppy, cooped up in a house for days right?" Bri spoke to her sister, which in response Nicole just rolled her eyes.

"Smart ass, well tell one of us when your leaving next time."

"Well when I can't find you guys, this happens plus the house was dead silent so I didn't know, anyways Nicky I'm going to take my pup out for a walk."

"Don't you mean the family's puppy?" Nicole asked annoyed by this, as Bri rolled her eyes.

"Smiles chose me, not you, or Gabe, Ryan, mom or even dad. Smiles is my responsibility, I'll take care of him." Bri spoke, before her sister Nicole could protest.

Bri swiftly opened the door and walked outside with Smiles by her side then she shut the door, as Bri sighed she began to leave the property of what she calls home. Then she adventured off into the neighborhood of her hometown, the place she was raised in and born in. As Smiles walked along side Bri, she noticed that Smiles was only a few months old.. How was he this well trained? Maybe Brianna was reflecting off of him, because she was a well behaved girl who always listened.

Which Bri couldn't decide, as Smiles looked to be 8 months old.. But Bri shook that thought out of her head, as she continued to walk her little pup throughout her neighborhood of where she grew up. As they both started to bear a dog park, Bri began to hear ticking sounds like a clock..

"Don't go to the café down on 3rd street West, at 2:33pm, someone will hurt you.." A voice spoke out to Bri, but the voice was identified quickly as it sounded to belong to a female..

As Bri looked around her surroundings, all she saw were people and dogs.. As Bri scratched her head in confusion she continued to walk through the forest like dog park. But what made Bri curious was, what time was it?.. So Bri took out her phone and looked at the time, it was only 10:46am.

'Hm guess I'll have to eat somewhere else I guess, god I have to find a pet friendly café somewhere else..' Bri whispered under her breath, as she let Smiles roam free off his leash.

Which Bri didn't expect Smiles to be well trained off of his leash, maybe Bri was reflecting off of Smiles. As the two of them acted exactly the same, but were different as Bri wasn't a dog and Smiles wasn't human.


As Bri and Smiles began to get tired their stomach started to growl, as Bri looked at the time it read 2:59pm. Holy crap it's already 3 o'clock?! Bri thought to herself, as her and Smiles started to leave the park. The ticking came back, the sound of a watch maybe a pocket watch, or a watch you have a your wrist?

"Don't go home at 4:30pm someone wants to kidnap you and make you suffer, it's only you they want.. Stay hidden, or you won't make it out alive.." The girl spoke, as Bri was confused and looked at Smiles which he didn't seem to hear the voice at all.

"Is it safe to eat at the Diamond Road café?" Bri asked the girl, the girl seemed to giggle at this, but Bri couldn't see her..

"Yes it's safe now, go eat you two must be starving!" The girl spoke, once she did the ticking stopped and everything went back to normal.

As Bri and Smiles began their adventure to Diamond Road café where her mother works, she stepped in and her mother was the first one to recognize her. "Hey Bri, oh I see you brought Smiles with you! Well take a seat wherever you want," Ava spoke happily to her child. Which Bri sat down at a table close to the window, which Smiles joined her and sat on the opposite side of Bri and began to wag his tail as he did his adorable smile.

"Hey hun, do you want your favorite? The pancakes with strawberries, kiwi and blueberry along side with bacon, hashbrowns and eggs?" Ava asked, which Bri nodded with a smile.

"Yes please mom with a mango smoothie, oh and could you get the puppy dog special for Smiles? We haven't eaten since 9 o'clock we've been busy playing at the dog park."

Ava giggled,
"Of course sweetie, so a dog bone with dog friendly whipped cream and bacon bit sprinkles!"

"Yup that's the one, thanks mom!" Bri spoke as she gave her mother a 30 dollar tip, which Ava seemed quite surprised by this but smiled and took the money.


As Bri and Smiles ate, Bri looked at her little husky as he had dog friendly whipped cream all over his face. Which made Bri smile, as she knew he was enjoying his meal. As Bri looked outside she saw the beautiful sunset, which was a vibe as when the party's over by Billie Eilish started playing. Making the whole café a vibe just with the music and sun setting, as Bri looked at her pup he was still eating his special.

Which made Bri happy, as she continued to eat her mother popped in from time to time checking in on her child and her pup. As Bri and Smiles finished, they always got it on the house as her mom and her friend Sophia owned the café.

As Bri and Smiles were about to leave Ava stopped them, "hey do you guys need a ride?" Ava asked, which Bri looked at her phone it was 4:20..

"Um no thanks mom we're good, we can walk home. Plus we need the exercise anyways, I'll see you at home." Bri spoke, which her mother sighed and nodded her head.

As Bri and Smiles exited the café, they took the long way back home. As Bri wanted to make sure that her and Smiles were safe from whoever wanted to make her or even Smiles suffer.

As they both started to near the Anderson-Smith's property, Bri checked the time as it was almost 5 o'clock which Bri was relieved. As both of them entered the house, Bri shut the door and unhooked the leash from Smiles's collar. Which then the ticking came back, but it was a bit quiet as if it was a distance away.

As Bri followed the ticking sound of the clock, she neared her bedroom and opened the door. That's when the ticking became extremely loud, then there stood a figure.. As Bri walked in a bit more, the door automatically shut by itself..

This caused the figure to turn around and face Bri, but what Bri saw scarred her for life.. The figure was indeed a female, as the girl had medium long light brown hair, with a pale skin, but her eyes.. One was a bright emerald green, while the other held a clock as it still ticked, her lips were cut into a smile but they seemed to be stitched back in place, the girl was wearing a white tank top, with a dark green jacket with white fuzz on its hood as it slowly slipped off her shoulders, she was wearing black skinny jeans, with black and white sneakers..

"Tic toc Bri, your time will come soon.. To death, to become one of us? Well nobody will know, until it's too late.. Tic toc Brianna, the time is ticking!" The girl spoke, as Bri began to back away then she heard scratching at her door..

"Open the door, let your little friend in! I'm sure he'll help you, or maybe he won't.." The girl spoke as she laughed out loud, to which Bri backed into the door and opened it letting Smiles in.

But this time he could hear and see what Bri was seeing, making him scared as he clinged himself on Bri's ankle.. Then a heavy wave of sleepiness came upon Bri, and Smiles knew it as he barked which made the girl back off and quickly jump out the window. As Bri quickly made her way to her bed, as she was about to pass out. Smiles hopped on the bed, and curled up next to Bri once she got in the bed.

As both of them began to feel the drowsiness of sleep take over their bodies, as they felt their body parts go limp from the sleepiness, as their eyes began to get heavy like a fast and heavy river current they both couldn't keep their eyes open any longer, as they both shut their eyes and fell into a deep sleep..

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