Chapter 7

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4 weeks have past since the death of Brianna's Granny and Granddad on her mother's side of the family, which things began to get weirder as another clown has shown their face. But this clown was definitely a female, as she wore a dress and had long beautiful black hair. She was also black and white like the male clown, but she always had a chainsaw on her..

Then another female figure also appeared as well, she was like the female version of the boy at the hospital.. But she never wanted Brianna to go to sleep, so for a week Bri went without sleep which made her hallucinate very badly. In that time period,

She saw what she thought was Benjamin. But Brianna was far from wrong, as this was a version of Link but this Link definitely wasn't from Majora's Mask. This Link had white hair and red eyes, his clothes were black and dark grey.

She couldn't recall what happened in these encounters, due to lack of sleep. Her memory is very fuzzy around the edges, the only encounter she remembers is the one of the female black and white clown...

Time of the Encounter

As Brianna was walking through the park through the beautiful night, as the stars twinkled throughout the night sky the bright full moon lit Bri's way through the park.

As she sat down on one of the park benches, as she went into deep thought. As she questioned herself on why she snuck out of her house at exactly midnight, well it was probably due to stress from what was happening. Being 13 was the most unluckiest thing to ever happen to Bri, she didn't deserve all this to happen to her. Especially her parents and siblings, she wanted everyone to be happy!

But someone wants to ruin her life, or that someone is a man.. He wants Brianna to suffer a pain she never wanted to suffer, she never wished this upon her, so who did?

"Oh sweetie you look pale!" A voice spoke, which snapped Bri out of her thoughts. Then once she looked up from her legs, she noticed the figure standing over her was a clown.. But it was a female clown, as she had long beautiful black hair that was all fun a wavey, the clown had a beautiful black and white dress on has well, she had stripped black and white socks with doll like shoes. This clown looked to be the female version of the male clown, Bri saw when she was in a car accident.. As both the male and female clowns had a pointed stripped black and white cone like nose..

"Oh umm I was just in my thoughts, just thinking." Bri spoke to the clown,

"Oh hun it's alright, I know what's happening to you is hard.. But you'll get through it Brianna, like we all did and we all changed for the greater good!" The clown spoke, which Bri looked at the female clown a bit confused.

"H-How do you all know my name??" She asked the clown, which in response the clown giggled.

"He knows everyone's name and their fears, he knows what you hate and like!" The clown spoke, which in response to this Bri gulped.

"Oh honey, it'll all be over soon you won't know it until it's too late!" The clown spoke, then Bri noticed the female clown was holding a chainsaw..

As Bri looked at the chainsaw she looked back at the female clown, which she seemed to be smiling then she stood up. Which was right in the moonlight, which Bri noticed that the clown was covered in fresh blood.. Then the clown walked off into the trees and vanished, which left Bri in shock until a flashlight was flashed in her face..

As she looked over where the source of the light, which stood a woman she seemed extremely concerned for Bri. "Sweetie are you alright, you were talking to yourself out loud." The woman spoke, which Bri looked at her confused.

"O-Oh yeah I'm fine, I was just in really deep thought, I-I'll be going now!" Bri spoke quickly, then she stood up and started to walk back home.

End of encountering scene

As Bri was sitting at her drawing desk, she started to draw a strange symbol as it was a circle with an X through the circle. Then she started to draw all the boys and clowns that she has encountered through this year, but she didn't label any of them.

Only because if her siblings or parents saw what she was drawing, and saw the names they would be very concerned for Bri's mental health. But she didn't need help with any of this, or did she?

As the female clown said, she wouldn't know when he would come for her until it's too late.. Or maybe that's when she wants help, but she doesn't know as she isn't from the future. So she can't tell what it's going to be like, but a gut feeling of Bri's is telling her that it's going to be eventful and interesting, or it's going to be horrible and scary where Bri could actually die..

As Bri was drawing, there was a knock at her door so of course she quickly hid her drawings. "Come in!" Bri spoke to whoever was at her door, to which the person who opened the door.

It was her mother, and she seemed extremely happy. "Hey sweetie, we just got a puppy come meet him!" Ava excitedly spoke to her child, which without a word and just a happy face.

Bri nodded and followed her mother downstairs to meet their new member to the family, once they got downstairs they were greeted by a little black and white Siberian Husky. As the little Husky puppy was bouncing with joy to meet the little 13 year old girl, as all 6 family members stood around the little pup.

Liam handed them collars Ava got a lime green collar, Nicole got the orange collar, Gabe got the dark blue collar, Ryan got the dark green collar, while Bri got the red collar, then Liam had the classic brown collar. Which they all were confused, then Liam took off the collar that the little Husky had on. Which now they all were extremely confused now, as they all were looking at Liam with eyebrows raised.

"Okay now I know this might sound weird, but the puppy is going to choice who has the most responsible for him. So don't complain he's your dog, we'll help you out here and there. But the pup will choice you for a reason, so now let's begin!" Liam spoke, then the pup was walking around the circle to choice who he liked the most.

But the pup stopped right when he reached Bri, and sniffed her hands then barked happily at the little girl, as the pup's tail started to wag. The pup has chosen Bri, but for what reason?

"Alright Brianna! What are you going to name him?" Liam asked, to which Bri went into deep thought. She then looked at the little Siberian Husky, then it began to smile in a happy way.

"Smiles, I think his name should be Smiles." Bri spoke, which her siblings seemed confused and a little bit upset that the puppy didn't choose one of them.

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