Chapter 2

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As Bri began to wake up from a deep sleep, she looked around and realized that she was in a hospital bed.. As a doctor walked in, he noticed that Brianna was awake. "I-I didn't expect you to be awake at this time, w-well I'm Dr. Vale I read your case, it seems to be quite a spill. How do you feel?" Dr. Vale spoke out to the little girl, as Bri shook her head no the doctor wrote it down on his clipboard.

"Okay, um do you feel the pain in your left arm and right leg?" Dr. Vale asked, Bri shook her head no. So he wrote it down on his clipboard, as Bri was confused on why he was asking all these questions.

But it wasn't until she looked at her left arm and right leg.. They were both in casts. As Bri examined the hospital room more closely, she was in her own room, she wasn't sharing this hospital room with anyone. As Brianna looked all over the room, it was filled with get well cards from her family and friends back at home.

As Bri was looking around she started to smile, "alright Brianna we have to do a few tests, like blood pressure, blood tests and a cat scan. Don't worry your mother, father and siblings will be here once it's all done." Dr. Vale spoke with a stern tone that doctors always use,

Bri began to panic.. As her parents were always here for the scariest parts, like needles or anything that had to deal with cutting into her body..

Brianna had medical problems already, as she has asthma, has bloody noses almost every single day, ADHD and she was just diagnosed with Tourettes last month. But her tics and stutters, only activate when she's in a stressful situation like this one right here. Because Dr. Vale wasn't their family doctor, this hospital itself made Bri uneasy. Especially without her mother and father being here, made it all go down for the worst..

"N-No please l-le- *tic* let's wait f-f-for m-my *tic* mamá a-and p-papá, *tic* p-pl-please?" Bri managed to get out of her mess like mouth, from the Tourettes kicking in like a madman.

Dr. Vale sighed,
"*sighs* well Brianna I'm so sorry to say this, but we have to do this now. I'll have Nurse Scarlett come in to comfort you while Nurse Emma, helps me out."

Now this made Bri all the more uncomfortable, 2 strangers will come in and one is going to have to comfort Brianna for the sake of getting blood pressure and tests down..

As Dr. Vale left the room, probably to get ready for the tests he has to do on Brianna. So in the meantime Brianna was just looking around the room, until the smell of fire smoke hit her nose.. As the smell of rotting burning flesh filled the room, Bri couldn't help but quickly and carefully grab the garbage can with her good arm, and throw up all her insides from her guts to what she ate to all her emotions..

Once she was done, the after taste of vomit was lingering in her tastebuds, as some pieces of the food she had eaten when she was in her Uncle John's car before it crashed, were stuck in and behind her teeth.. This made Bri sick to her stomach, but the smell of fire and burning flesh hasn't left the room..

As Brianna began to get comfortable into the hospital bed again, she wish she hadn't.. As a figure stood before her, as his hair was black like charcoal, his eyes a dull like sapphire blue, as his face was halfway covered only revealing his eyes and mouth.. He was wearing a white hoodie, black dress pants and some street like shoes.

"Don't trust anyone, they all may seem trustworthy. But your far from being right, they'll betray you in the worst way possible. They make you look like this, but I just look beautiful!" The boy spoke as he spun around, Bri blinked her eyes in confusion.

But she wish she didn't, as the boy had long black hair now, with his eye lids burnt off, which made the edges of his eyes a dry bloody red color, and his cheeks weren't whole anymore.. They were cut from the ends of his lips, making his smile wider.. As the blood dripped off his face from the carved smile, Brianna noticed that the boy's hoodie was no longer a pure white hoodie, it was now stained with blood old and fresh..

Brianna let out a scream but the boy rushed over to her and covered her mouth, as she was forced to look at the boy's face. She began to get even more afraid, as the boy put his free hand up to his lips in meaning for Bri to be quiet.

As Bri felt something being held up to her throat, it felt hard, metal like and cold while a gooy substance plastered along it. As Brianna looked down slightly she noticed it was a knife, but the gooy substance that was on her neck was none other then human blood.. As Bri began to feel tears a long her cheeks, the boy mocked her in a tensing way making Brianna even more scared for her life..

"Well it was fun chatting with you, but I can't stay out for too long he's waiting for me.. Soon he'll be waiting for you, but I think it's time for you.. To..... Go.... To... Sleep.." The boy spoke in a spooky but calming tone, as Brianna felt a heavy wave of tiredness wash over her.. She closed her heavy eyes, as her breathing was slow paced but was enough to keep her breathing and alive.

As Brianna felt the knife being pulled away from her neck, the blood still stained her throat.. As she heard the boy walk off, or jump out the window.. That's when Bri fell into a very deep sleep, that not even a needle would wake her up. Not even the sound of her own parents or even siblings would wake her up, it was like she was under a spell just like Aurora was until her prince came to save her, in Sleeping Beauty...

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