Chapter 19

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As 3 weeks went by like a snap of Thanos's fingers, and poor Bri hasn't had a break.. But unless she's home with someone, that's the only time she actually has an actual break of everything that's plucking her sanity away from her grasp.. As she kept hearing this growling and screeching sounds, but there has been a few times where she would hear the voice of this creature. Which it was a female, but she seemed a little distressed when she did speak.. Almost like a cry for help, but it would instantly change back to her laughing insanely..

As Bri was in her bedroom laying on her bed while her kitten StarFire cuddled up next to her, "god Starie your really the only thing keeping me sane, god I wish this nightmare would end.." Bri spoke to her cat as she started to pet her little feline friend, as right on cue she could hear the distant sound of growling and screeching coming from... Outside? As Bri sat up and looked at her pure white kitten while StarFire looked at her, Bri then got up and went to her big window that was in her room..

Bri then proceeded to look through the window and what she found confused her, as there was a figure in the shadows on the front yard.. The growling and screeching sounds started to get louder as soon as Bri went by the window, was that figure making these growling and screeching noises that I've been hearing for the past 3 weeks?.. Bri thought, but just then StarFire started to act up as she started to hiss and meow.. So Bro turned around, and saw that StarFire's hair on her back was handing up..

"Starie, it's okay girl your- OH MY GOD WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT THING?!" Bri started to softly comfort her cat as she turned back around, which she saw that thing up close and personal through her window... As the creature managed to climb up the house, as the creature held on for dear life as it stared into Brianna's soul..

As Bri began to observe the creature, it or she as that's the voice it has other than growling and screeching sounds.. She wore a white blood stained hoodie, as her hands were heavily coated with blood as well.. She wore pitch black baggy jeans, with red and white shoes.. Her hood was up but Bri could clearly see that her hair color was black, her eyes were black as well, but a hint of yellow could be seen.. But something was weird she wore a mask with eyes and a mouth hole, but it had a black substance on it kind of like Eyeless Jack's tears on his face and mask, but it was a bit different.. As it seemed to be mixed with a bit of old blood, and the black substance seemed to be coming down like tears if you really looked.. But the black substance also was around her mouth, that liquid was probably the cause for her growling and screeching that happens..

As the creature looked at her, she took her hood off and mask to reveal her face.. As bloody tears ran down her face, but the blood seemed to look more of a black tar like substance staining her face.. As the girl had weird scars around her mouth causing the black substance to spill out like a lion at the zoo wanting out of its cage, to feast on its prey as it watches for its next victim.

"H-Help me... Y-Your next.. Run, run for your life we've all got twisted minds.. Please don't be one of us, I'll help you if I need to.. When I'm not The Chaser, when I'm still me I'll help you.." The girl spoke or her second name The Chaser, as Brianna looked at The Chaser she began to cry.

"What's your actual name Chaser?" Bri asked, which The Chaser looked up at her.

"Kate.. My name is Kate, but the other Proxies call me Kate The Chaser or just The Chaser.. I-I'm dangerous to man kind or any type of life, because of him he's made me a danger to anyone and everyone.."

"Kate who is he? Can you at least give me a name, I only know one and his name is Zalgo."

"Don't choose Zalgo it'll end badly for you, choose Slenderman.. He's the one doing this to you, he's sending all of his Proxies to haunt your dreams.. Choose Slender when it is your time to choose, I honestly don't know what it's like to live with Zalgo but it's not good.."

"Slender? Like the Slenderman?? I remember my friends talking about him, how he can curse a family or a person's life.."

"Yeah but he can do more then just that Brianna, he's dangerous he hates human kind.. Unless we want to join him, or he helps us and makes us one of his Proxies.. He has guided us, but it just makes us murderers some of us are creatures from horror movies almost.. But it's real, we're real.."

"B-But why me? What did I do?" I asked Kate, then she looked away from my gaze..

"You remember Sally Williams and Suicide Sadie? Or even Lazari Swann, that's why he's after you.. You know 2 of his Proxies and one of his old Proxies but sadly Lazari went with Zalgo her father.. But let's just say that you already know 2 Proxies, so he chose your fate.. He was originally going to kill you, but Sadie nor Sally would have liked that.. So the only other option was for you to join us, your going to become a Proxy of the Slenderman.. I-I'm so sorry Bri, but once Slender has a target he's getting what he wants no matter the cause.."

"Kate.. Has he been trying to make me go insane? Because all these encounters I have had have been picking at my sanity since I was 11 years old!"

"Yes I'm afraid that is correct, in order for you to become one of us he's going to drive you insane to the point where your drawings.. Are of him and his Proxies, you'll always talk to yourself, your mindset will never be in the right space to the point you'll start fights in school or in the streets.."
"Sh-Shit! I have to go Slender's calling me back to a place I call home, I'll see you later when your Proxifid!" Kate spoke as she put her mask back on and her hood up, she then started making those screeching and growling sounds again..

Then she jumped off the window and ran off into the distance, which led into the forest.. As now to Bri it's known as the Slenderman's Forest..

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