Chapter 1

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Max's POV

It is a typical Friday for the party, stuck in Mike Wheeler's armpit of a basement. The boys are sitting around a table playing their dumb game (what nerds!). As bad as Mikes's basement is I still come every weekend because I get to talk to El! El is so perfect, she has short lush brunette hair and glistening dark hazel eyes. I love El and I never want to lose her. Soon enough 7'o'clock rolls around and I say goodbye to the group, on my way up the stairs El rushes behind me and gives me a goodbye hug. God, I love this girl.

"Bye El! See you tomorrow" I say with a grin across my face. I run out to the car where Steve is hurrying me along with continuous car honks.

"You're late Mayfield" he says, I just roll my eyes and get into the backseat.

"Well, how was it?" Steve always looks out for me,

"It was fine I guess" I sit in the backseat fiddling with the rip in my jeans.

"Are you alright Mayfield? You don't seem like yourself, it wasn't that dickhead Mike Wheeler again?"

"It's nothing Steve"

"If you say so, you know I am always here right" We pull up outside my house,

"I am fine Steve, Thanks for the ride"

"Anytime nugget" I roll my eyes but I secretly find it cute when he calls me nugget, Steve is like the brother I never had. I reach the front door of my "house" which never has felt like a home, Steve is still parked up behind me, I take a deep breath and enter the hell hole giving Steve a wave before shutting the door behind me. My stepdad Neil is waiting by the door as I expected.

"You're late," he says while drilling eyes into me, his stupid moustache ruffles when he talks. I just walk past and make a beeline straight to my room. I close the door behind me and just sink to my knees, I hate this house, I hate Neil and I hate myself.


Now that Max is gone it's so boring here, 

"Mikeee can we do something fun?" I look over at him sitting with the rest of the boys, 

"Oh yea sure El!" Mike gets up, Will rolls his eyes.

"whatever it's time for us to go home anyways" Will, Dustin and Lucas leave the basement. Now it's just me and Mike. He grabs me and pulls me on to the couch,

"So what should we do now M'lady" he grins and pulls me in, we start to kiss and it escalates quickly, I sit onto of Mike but before anything else happens Nancy opens the door,


"Oh hey El!" Mike rolls his eyes and grabs my hand, we go upstairs and sit around the dinner table. Mrs Wheeler cooked some sort of chicken and vegetables, very different to Hops cooking, usually we would just order some pizza and eat it infront of the TV. Mikes Dad is already eating his food but the rest of the family is waiting for me and Mike, 

"So guys, what did everyone do today?" I stab at the food, it looks disgusting but I start to eat it anyways,

"Oh um I went to Robins house but we didn't really do much" I can tell Nancy is lying, her and Robin hangout a lot and they have got very close, I think they are dating.

"El and I had a good day we played loads of D&D" I nod my head but that is not what actually happened there's no way I would play that game. I try to eat some chicken but I have no idea how to use a knife, Mike leans over me and cuts up my chicken for me, I smile at him. 

"Well sounds like everyone had a great day and as always it's a pleasure to have you over El!" I smile at her,

"Yes like we don't have enough kids here" Mikes Dad is not very nice,

"Ted really? Do you have to say that?" God this is so boring, I don't really pay attention for the rest of the meal until Mike stands up with his plate,

"thanks for the meal Mrs Wheeler it was delicious" I look down at my hand eaten plate, she smiles at me and I wave goodbye to Nancy. Mike grabs my plate and leaves it by the sink with his, we walk down to the basement. I walk towards the bathroom to get changed,

"Why don't you get changed out here with me" I don't know if I want to,

"Isn't that against your moms rules Mike?"

"her rules are bullshit El come on live a little" I nervously remove my top but I face away from Mike, he comes up behind me and grabs me and starts to kiss my neck,

"Mike what are you doing? I don't have a top on let me go" Mike screws up his face and I jump out of his arms and run into the bathroom, why did Mike do that?

"Come on El I was just playing around" He sounds mad, I walk out of the bathroom and I can't see Mike,

"BOO" he jumps out from behind the door and grabs me, he kisses me, he tries to use his tongue but I close my mouth,

"what are you doing El what's the matter with you?!" he yells and tries to kiss me again, this time I let him, he pulls me onto the couch and I can feel him reach his hand under my top.

"I'm kind of tired Mike can we just go to sleep?" He gives me a dirty look and storms upstairs, I get comfortable on the couch and soon enough I fall asleep.

Elmax I Kissed A GirlWhere stories live. Discover now