Chapter 13

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Max's POV

I feel bad leaving El there but I won't be long, Lucas keeps walking until we stop in front of a girl, it's Tara,

"Hey Tara, this is my friend Max!" Lucas introduces Max to Tara,

"Hey Max! I'm pretty sure I've seen you around school, you skate right?" Tara smiles,

"Oh yea!" I smile back,

"That's awesome, I wish I could do something like that but instead I'm just a basic cheerleader" Tara laughs,

"You're a good cheerleader Tara" Lucas smiles,

"Thanks Lucas" She kisses his cheek,

"Wanna take this upstairs?" Lucas replies,

"Yea sure" Tara giggles,

"It was nice meeting you Max!" She smiles,

"Yea! Have fun guys!" I awkwardly reply, why did he even need me there?

"Good luck with El tonight!! BTW she definitely likes that dress!" Lucas smiles,

"Oh shut up Lucas" I giggle and walk away, now I have to find El.


I feel so free, so loose, I just feel amazing. I was a few drinks in, Dustin and I had just left the dance floor and sat on a couch, I was much more drunk than Dustin, he was only a little buzzed.

"Sooo El! Talked to any boys after Mike?"

"Nooooo" I giggle,

"You and Max have been hanging out a lot" He says,

"We fucked" I say and Dustin stares at me in shock, 

"Holy shit that's a claim El! Shes hot as fuck!" He exclaims, I just nod my head and grin thinking about the fun time we had a couple nights ago.

"So how was it?" Dustin asks, I just stare at him trying to process,

"the sex, like was it good?" He clarifies,

"OHH yea, Max has massive tits" I smirk,

"Woah shit that's hot" Dustin laughs, without thinking I jumped up onto the table and yell,

"MAX MAYFIELD HAS BIG TITS" Everyone hears, the starts to whistle and clap. Just then I spot Max in the crowd, 

"THERE SHE IS!!" I point and everyone stares at her, 

"El stop" Dustin pulls me down and takes me outside.

Max's POV

All eyes were on me, on my chest, I fold my arms and try to leave. Boys grab me from all over, 

"HEY GET OFF HER" Mike and Will run to me, 

"Come on Max let's go" Mike grabs my arm and drags me outside, everyone stares at me. Once we made quite a distance from the house we sit down on a random car,

"are you okay?" Will hugs me,

"w-why did El do that???" I burst into tears,

"She was really drunk Max but even then, she has no excuse. I'm so sorry about her Max" Mike says and holds my hand. I feel awful, disgusting, I just want to burn this dress, burn myself.

"I'll go back and call Nancy to pick us up, you two just wait here" Mike runs back to the house,

"Wanna know something cool" Will smiles, 

"Anything to distract me please!" I say,

"Mike and I are dating!" I hug Will,

"I'm so happy for you Will" I smile and try to forget about what just happened.

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