Chapter 7

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El's POV

What am I going to wear tonight? I want to look good for Max. I head over to the phone and try to call Max but no one picks up. I dial the Wheelers number, I hope Mike doesn't pick up, the phone starts to ring.

"Hello you've reached the Wheeler's residents Karen Wheeler speaking" 

"oh hi um it's Eleven, can I talk to Nancy?"

"sure sweetie" I hear some yelling in the background,

"Hey El!"

"Hi Nancy, I need your help"

"Sure El, what's up?"

"I am not sure what to wear tonight and Max won't pick up her phone"

"I was just about to head to the mall we could go shopping? I can buy you something nice"

"Would you do that for me?"

"Of course El! I'll come pick you up now" I run into my room and put on a pair of jeans and a top.

"Dad can I go to the mall with Nancy"

"As long as you are safe El"

"I promise" I hear a car honk outside, 

"that's Nancy now I better go" I run past Hop and give him a kiss on the cheek, Nancy is waiting in her car and Robins in the passenger seat. I open the back seat door,

"El come sit in the front, Robin can sit in the back"

"Seriously Nance are you kidding" Robin doesn't seem happy,

"move Rob" Robin slides into the back. I sit down in the front seat and Nancy starts up the car.

"Why can't I come shopping Nance it's unfair" Robin whines,

"Because me and El are picking outfits for tonight"

"well I can help with that"

"sorry Robin, why don't you hangout with Max, I could drop you there now"

"I'm not sure where Max is, she didn't pick up the phone this morning" 

"I'm sure she's fine El, probably just asleep, whenever she's at mine she literally sleeps for like 14 hours straight" Robin laughs, 

"So do you Robin" Nancy rolls her eyes, We pull up outside Max's house and Robin runs up to her window, she gives us a thumbs up and then climbs in,

Max's POV

"MAX" I wake up and someones shaking me, I punch their face,

"OW MAXX" is that Robin?

"Robin?" I look down and see her on the ground,

"oh hi" I laugh at her,

"the hell Mayfield??"

"its a reflex" I shrug,

"anyways Nancy and El are hanging out so I thought we should too" 

"what are El and Nancy doing?" 

"they're buying outfits for tonight so I thought we should make them a gift because I mean who doesn't love a gift?" she laughs at her own joke and I roll my eyes,

"come on Max, imagine all the kisses El will give you"

"can I just sleep for 5 more minutes"

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