Chapter 14

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I awkwardly sit in Max's room until she returns,

"Steve's here" She says,

"Max can you please tell me what I did?" I ask,

"El can you please just leave" Max snaps,

"Fine be like that then" I storm out and sit down in Steves car,

"hi" he mumbles and starts to drive,

"Oh so everyones gonna be in a shitty with me today are they?" I huff,

"El you are in no place to be angry at Max" Steve says,

"She won't even tell me what I did wrong! Does she want to break up or something??" I say,

"El you stood up on a fucking table and told EVERYONE that Max has big tits, then you continued to point her out in the crowd! All the boys were basically pouncing on her!" Steve yells,

"W-What?" Did I really do that?

"Don't w-w-w-w-what me! El you fucked up!" He says, I burst into tears,

"shit, El I'm sorry I was so harsh" Steve pulls over,

"Can you take me b-back to Max's? I need to apologise" I ask,

"I don't know, she really sounded like she needed some time to think" Steve sighs,

"P-Please" I beg,

"Okay fine but if you make this worse I'm never giving you a ride again" Steve warns me as he makes a U-turn,

"I promise to make it better!" I wipe the tears from my face and start to plan what I'm going to tell her, 

"I'll wait out here just in case but if she forgives you just wave out or something" Steve says as we pull up outside her trailer,

"Okay thanks Steve" I smile and get out of the car, I knock on the front door but no one answers. I try a few more times until I just decide to open the door, as soon as I enter I hear loud sobs coming from Max's room. I rush to her and when I get in her room she's lying in bed with her walkman on, without thinking I dive in and hug her,

"EL GET OUT!" She rips off her headphones,

"Max plea-" 


"LET ME TALK!" I silence her,

"Max I am so sorry, I thought you and Lucas had something going on and I got jealous so when we were at the party I got drunk and it got out of control, I didn't mean to do it I swear please Max believe me! I would never purposely do something like that" I say,

"how can I ever trust you?" Max asks,

"Please Max I'll do anything for you" I beg,

"I-I don't know" Max cries more and I pull her into a hug,

"Whatever you choose Max know that I love you" I say,

"I love you too El" 

Lol that's the end, I kinda got bored of this story but I might write a sequel  who knows🤷‍♀️

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