Chapter 6

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Max's POV

I wake up my body feels bruised and cramped, I look down and El somehow managed to end face down on my chest, there's a small drool patch on my shirt. God this girl is so cute. I stroke my fingers through her hair. I roll El off me without waking her and walk out the room, no one is home I think they're at work. I walk over to the kitchen, I'm going to make El some breakfast.

"max?" a quiet voice comes out of my room, I go back into my room and see El's half asleep face, she's so adorable even when she's tired,

"hey El, sorry I left to make some food" her face looks confused,

"can i come?" her voice sounds soft and innocent, 

"I guess so" El sits up in bed,

"maxie can you carry me" she looks up at me with her sympathetic eyes and she called me Maxie, how can I even say no. I roll my eyes but can't help a smile, I walk over to El and bend over the bed, she wraps her arms and legs around me. I put my hands under her butt and she nuzzles her head into my neck, I take her to the kitchen, thank god Neil isn't here. El is very clingy but I don't mind it. I place her down onto the bench, she lifts her head up and presses her forehead against mine. I stare into her deep brown eyes, I kiss her cheek and then walk over to the fridge, I rummage through the freezer and pull out a box of frozen waffles.

"I don't want waffles Max, I want you" she grabs me from behind and wraps her arms around my waist. She starts to kiss my neck, but not aggressively, she's compassionate and gentle. I turn around, my body is tight against hers, I slide my hand behind her head and pull her in. 

"someones in a good mood today" I smile over at El,

"I woke up to the cutest girl in the world that's why" I blush and kiss her,

"if you're still offering I'd love a waffle" I can't help myself from laughing.

El's POV

Max is the best girlfriend in the world, wait. Is she my girlfriend? I mean I don't think she asked me and I don't remember asking her. I look over at her,

"Are you my girlfriend Max?" 

"do you want me to be your girlfriend?" I smile,

"of course I do" Max looks down at the waffle and sprays on whip cream, she adds some chocolate sauce on top. Max puts in on the table, I look down and it says "Gf?" inside a heart. I look up at Max,

"Will you be my girlfriend El?" I lean over the table and kiss her,

"YES MAX" we laugh together, Max looks down at my top,

"el you are covered in cream" I think I leaned on the waffles, I wipe some cream of my top and put it on Max's nose. 

"so are you, luckily for you I love cream, let me help you get that off" I kiss Max's nose and she smiles. 

"El I think I have some stuck on my lips could you help me out?" she has a cheesy grin across her face. 

"it would be my pleasure!" I get up and sit ontop of Max and kiss her,  I can feel her heart beating fast, my body is pushed against hers. I lean back, only to see Max's clothes are also now covered in cream.  

"whoops" me and Max start giggling. Suddenly the phone rings, Max gets up and answers it,

"Hi?" she pauses and listens,

"yea I'm with El, yup, yup, will do Hop, bye" she hangs up the phone and looks up at me, 

"Hopper says you need to be home for curfew tonight" she seems upset, I don't want to leave her.

"oh right, it's fine Max we can hangout again tomorrow, besides we still have the rest of the days" she smiles,

"we should probably get cleaned up" I look at her shirt and laugh, I forgot about that. We get changed and Max gives me some spare clothes again, soon her wardrobe will be half empty from me. We sit down on Max's bed and she rests her head on my chest, I stroke her head, I can tell something's up. She holds my hand tight,

"I don't want you to go home" she whines,

"It's only for a bit Max, I've got to hangout with Hopper too" I pull back her hair and kiss her cheek. We basically spend the whole day just talking and of course a lot of kissing. Soon 4:30 rolls around, 

"Max I've got to go home now" she looks up and me and her face drops,

"ughhh El, I know it's dumb but I'll miss you" I kiss her and get up,

"I'll miss you too Maxie" I jump out her window and start the long boring walk. I wave goodbye at Max until her house is out of view, Max is the best thing that's ever happened to me.

Max's POV

What am I supposed to do now I'm so bored. I jump out the window and get on my bike, shit it's like 100 degrees out here. Soon enough I arrive at Robins house,  Nancys car out front, I roll my eyes and knock on the door. Robins face pops out,

"Max! come in come in" she gestures me in and I follow her to her bedroom. I sit down on her bed,

"you can come out Nance it's only Maxipad" God I hate it when she calls me that, I give Robin an evil look. Nancy tumbles out of Robins wardrobe and lands on the bed next to me,

"hey Max, what's up?" 

"well I wanted to take El to a movie tomorrow night but Hopper doesn't let her go out at night without some kind of escort, so I was wondering if you two wanted to come?"

"sooo like a double date?" Nancys face lights up,

"I suppose you could call it that"

"Depends what movie, I'm also not so sure I want to spend my night babysitting" Robin doesn't look so sure,

"Of course we can Max, I'd love to go" Nancy smiles,

-later on that night-

I call up El,


"Hey El, It's Max"

"Oh hey Max!"

"Ok so I was wondering if you wanted to go to the movies tomorrow night"

"Is that even a question? I'd love to go to the movies with you. Let me just ask Hop" I hear some mumbled talking,

"Ok he has a question,  who is taking us there and it can't be Steve he doesn't trust him"

"Nancy and Robin are coming and Nancys driving" some more muffled chats,

"he says it's OK, I can come!"

"yay I'll see you tomorrow, it's a date!"

"wait it's a date? what am I supposed to wear?"

"oh um I guess it's a date? But you can wear whatever you want El" Neil walks out of his room,

"Oh I've got to go now, Bye El" I quickly hangup the phone and walk off to my room,

"where do you think you are going?" I stop and look at him,

"my room?" I bite my lip, why do I even try. Neil walks up to me and bends over, his face now inches away from mine.

"is that some lip? I'm your father Maxine, I deserve some respect" he grabs onto my shoulder,

"you are not my dad" sometimes I wish I was with my real Dad in California, he would never hit me.

"Is that what you think of me Maxine?" His hand balls up into an angry fists, he punches my stomach.

"get out of my sight"  I run to my room. I slam the door behind me, I hear him rip the phone off the wall and throw it at my door.  What is wrong with that man.

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