Chapter 3

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"Where is Max?" I walk over to Lucas, he's the only one awake.

"Last night she went upstairs to get water but never came back" Did something happen?

"but while we are talking El, have you noticed she has been more distant lately, I mean she just doesn't seem herself" Lucas is also worried about Max,

"I guess so, she doesn't seem very happy at the moment, do you think she's mad?" did I do something wrong to Max? 

"I'm not sure, I think im going to go to hers today, to try figure out what's going on." Lucas cares about Max just as much as me even after they broke up,

"okay well if you find something out could you please tell me, I don't like it when Max is upset." Lucas nodds and gives me a smile, he is so nice. 

Max's POV

It's late in the morning when I wake up, I'm at Steves house. I quickly get up to leave, but not without writing Steve a note, "thanks for being my older brother you dork :)" I put the note on his pillow and walk out of his room. In the living room Robin and Nancy sat on the sofa talking to Steve, their heads all turn to me and just stare. 

"oh Max you're awake" Nancy invites me to sit down but I just walk past,

"Thanks Steve" I say before walking out the door.

"wait Max we just wanna tal-" I shut the door behind me, the sun hits me like a laser, my head aches. I quickly grab my board and skate home. Instead of going through the front door I go through the window, I can't deal with Neil right now. I look at myself in the mirror. god I am so ugly, I look hot and sweaty and there are big dark rings around my eyes. My head sinks into my chest, I'm so tired, I wish I could just disappear. Unexpectedly there's a knock on my window, it's Lucas.

"Hey Max can we talk?" he opens the window

"oh um I was just about to shower, maybe we can later" I just want to be alone.

"please it will be quick" he's so sympathetic, it's hard to say no.

"fine come in" I hold out my hand, he grabs it and pulls himself in.

"Thanks Max, anyways I just wanted to know if you're okay"

"I'm fine Lucas"

"Max I know somethings wrong" I can't open up everything will just go wrong, Lucas will hate me, the party will hate me, El will hate me.

"What you think theres something wrong with me because I broke up with you?" I don't want to push him away but it's al I can do.

"No Max not at all, you just have been acting differently and then you left last night? I just want to know what's wrong, I want to help" I can't hold it again, why am I so weak today? I started to cry.

"Max?" He pulls me in and hugs me, I can't stop crying. he holds me tighter.

"It's okay Max, you can tell me" I wipe my tears off my face and sit up.

"I think I like someone" I can see his smile crack,

"oh who? is it someone from our party?" I nod,

"YOU LIKE MIKE?" my face suddenly turns to disgust.

"I'm not talking about boys" I pause,

"Lucas I'm talking about girls, well one girl" I stare at him, his smile is no longer there, I cry and Lucas pulls me in again and hugs me.

"Max it's okay, I love you for who you are, I don't care if you like girls" 

"you don't?" he smiles at me,

"no Max, I just want you to be happy!" I smile back at him.

"so you and El? Sounds like the perfect couple to me, my two favourite girls!" I smile and him and punch him. We lay on the bed for a while with my head rested on his shoulder. All of a sudden Neil bursts into my room, I shove Lucas out the window before Neil could get to him, 

"STAY AWAY FROM MY DAUGHTER" Neil scares Lucas away but he is still angry, he turns to me and grabs my arm. His grip is firm,

"I NEVER want to see you with someone like THAT ever again" he's referring to Lucas's skin tone.

"You're  a racist mother fucker" I am so angry at him, what is wrong with him. Neil's face goes red and he looks like he's about to explode. His hand raises, it's in a fist. He punches my stomach, hard. He picks me up and throws me out the front door.

"Max?" I look up, it's El.

El's POV

I'm going to ask Max to sleepover tonight, I'm so excited, I love having girl time with Max. I reach her house, there is something off, there's lots of yelling. Suddenly Max falls out the door landing at my feet.


"Oh El mm hi what are you doing here?" 

"I came to ask if you wanted to sleepover tonight?" 

"Oh of course I will El!" she seems relieved,

"Are you alright?" 

"Oh yea I was just mucking about and I fell out the door" why is she lying to me

"Are you hurt?"

"No I'm fine El, lets just go" her tone changes,

"oh ok, don't you need your stuff?" she goes red and looks flustered,

"oh right my stuff... could I just use some of yours?" Her voice sounds unsteady,

"your house is right there though? but if you want I guess you can, let's go" We start walking to my house, it's kind of far away but I don't care, more time with Max!

"So what did you get up to with Mike last night?" She smirks,

"Not much last night but on Friday night something weird happened" 


"Well we went back downstairs and after I got changed we started kissing like usual but then he put his hand up my top and touched me"

"Well did you like it?" 

"I- I don't know but Mike was getting mad at me"

"Mike takes advantage of you El, if you don't like something you just need to say no!" She holds my hand and I smile, soon enough we arrive at the cabin.

Elmax I Kissed A GirlWhere stories live. Discover now