Chapter 11

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El's POV

 Max grabs our stuff and we sneak out to the gates, we stop at my bike and Max turns to me,

"Do you want me to pedal?" I nod and get on the back, she starts to bike to my house,I hold onto her tightly. When we arrive at the cabin we jump off the bike and leave it by the door, I grabs my key and unlock the door. She grabs my hand and we sit on my bed,

"Max am I gross?" I burst into tears,

"Oh El, No your not! It's just what happens when you grow up" She hugs me,

"I'm assuming Hopper hasn't really talked to you about this stuff?" She asks and I shake my head,

"You know what I'll ring up Nancy! She can explain everything and help you okay?" She hops up and goes to the phone, 5 minutes later Max comes back,

"She's coming over now!" I smile a little,

"How about changing into something a bit more comfortable?" I nod and Max goes through my drawers, she throws me a pair of grey shorts,

"max?" I remove my now stained jeans and put on the shorts,

"yea?" she moves over to my wardrobe and looks for a hoodie,

"have you uh, have you gotten your period before?" I ask,

"oh yea like last year"

"is it weird I got mine now?"

"no its normal, it is different for everyone" Max pulls out a yellow hoodie and her eyes widen,

"is this mine?" she turns it to me, it's the hoodie she gave me the day we started dating, I feel my face go bright red,

"uh umm yes? but you can have it back if you want!" tears fill my eyes again,

"no you keep it, I think its adorable you have this" she walks over and kisses me, I smile and put the hoodie on. Max lays down on the bed and I lean back onto her, lying in between her legs, 

"I'm glad you're here" I relax my head letting it fall on her chest,

"So am I" she wraps her arms around me, I wish we could sit like this forever. Suddenly theres a knock on the door, 

"COME IN" Max yells, 

"hellooooo" Nancy enters the house,

"We're in Els room" Max calls out, soon enough Nancy comes in smiling, Robin walks in behind her holding bags full of stuff.

"Hey El, how are you feeling?" Nancy sits on the end of the bed,

"I'm okay" I smile,

"can I PLEASE put this stuff somewhere!!" Robin struggles, Max starts laughing at Robin,

"bring it here weakling" Nancy rolls her eyes, Robin dumps the bags on the bed and sits down,

"So I bought some stuff" Nancy says,

"ALOT of stuff, she went crazy in the stores" Robin laughs,

"This is a confusing time for El!" Nancy softly nudges Robin, before looking at me,

"You hungry?" She smiles and I nod my head, we all get up and Nancy goes to the kitchen. Max, Robin and I go to the lounge,

"Want a blanket?" Max asks,

"Only if we get to share" Max smiles and grabs one, she sits down next to me on one of the couches, my head starts to throb, I wince in pain,

"You ok El?" Max asks,

"hurts" I say rubbing my head,

"I'll go get some Tylenol" Robin goes to the kitchen and comes back with a new bottle of Tylenol and a glass of water,

"El can't take pills, you need to crush it up and put it in some strawberry jam" Max says, it's so cute, I can't believe Max even knows that,

"okay okay!" Robin runs back into the kitchen, Max puts her hands on my head and starts to massage it,

"does this help?" she asks, 

"yes" I grin, Max is the best girlfriend in the world,

"okay okay I got it" Robin runs back with a spoonful of jam, Max grabs it,

"open up El" she smiles and I let her feed it to me, Max lays me down and puts the blanket over me, she runs and grabs a pillow from my room, she carefully lifts up my head and places it underneath.

"okay try get some sleep" she starts to walk to the kitchen with Robin, I sit up,

"MAXINE MAYFIELD" I yell and she turns around confused,

"uh what?" she nervously asks,

"you were not seriously going to leave me to sleep by myself?!" Max's shoulders drop and she smiles,

"nooooo" she runs back and gets on the couch with me, I cuddle up to her and she starts to rub my back,

"Alright I got food!" Nancy walks in with a bowl of mac and cheese, orange juice and some cookies. I sit up and lean my head on Max's shoulder, Nancy hands Max a tray with the food on it.

"Thanks Nancy" I smile, Max picks up a fork and scoops up some of the pasta, she feeds it to me again, I love it when she does that.

"El, you don't need to be embarrassed about it or anything we are all girls here so don't be scared to ask any of us questions!" Nancy tells me, 

"except maybe Robin" Max laughs,

"Shut up Max!" Robin punches her,

"OW YOU BITCH" Max rubs her arm, before slapping Robin,

"CUT IT OUT" Nancy pulls Robin away,

"She started it!" Robin whines, Max pokes out her tongue at her,

"If you two don't stop then I'll take you back to school" Nancy threatens and the two go quiet,

"Well uh El, now that you have your period, you can get pregnant"


"like have a baby"

"I want a baby! with maxie!" I look at Max who is bright red,

"girls can only get pregnant from boys El" Nancy says,

"do they even teach you guys health" Robin laughs,

"yea but Hopper requested El gets taken out of class for 'inappropriate' lessons" Max giggles a little,

"El do you even know how babies are made" Robin laughs,

"no?" I answer and Robin goes red,

"So uh when a man and women love eachothe-"

"she knows what sex is" Max stops Nancy, Robin gives Max a look,

"NOT LIKE THAT YOU CREEP! I showed her a movie"

"oh right yea I remember that" Robin chuckles,

"well basically El, boys can get you pregnant now, unless you use protection"


"you know what I'm just gonna ask Hopper to put you back in the class" Nancy sighs.

A/N: Sorry I haven't been posting! I kind of started too many stories but I am also running out of ideas for this one anyways. I will try keep doing this story but it won't be as much.

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