Chapter 9

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Max's POV

It's late at night when I hear yelling, it's Neil yelling and my mom, I just cover my ears and try to fall back asleep. The next morning I wake up and there's box's everywhere, my mom walks in,

"hey Max, I think me and you are going to live some where else for a while" my heart sinks,

"where?" please say it's not far,

"it's an old trailer park, your father has a caravan there and he said we could stay" 

"oh right" I know the place, it's just down the road from Els, Billy used to take me there after school to do drifts and shoot his gun at shitty trailer houses,

"we are going today so you have to pack your stuff" I get up and shove all my clothes into a box and put on some jeans and a sweater that I left of the floor, I roll up my posters and shove them in another  box with some other stuff from my room. I walk out to the kitchen,

"um can I quickly go talk to El?" my mom nods, I grab my board and skate to her house. The morning breeze is cold but I arrive in a record time, I frantically knock on the door and El opens, she looks half asleep,

"Max?" I try to smile,

"El can I come in?"

"uh yea" she lets me inside and we go to her room, she gets back into bed and I sit down beside her,

"what's up Max?"

"um well I'm moving" she looks confused,

"but not out of Hawkins it's to the trailer park down the road, it's not ideal but at least we will live closer? and Neil isn't coming so that will make it way better, I'm sure it will be fine right?" El just stares at me, and I burst into tears, she hugs me,

"El I don't want to move, it's cold there and smells like mould and it's scary "  I sob,

"Max it will be okay, we can make it better, we can set up your room to make it warm and smell nice" I smile,

"thanks El" I sniffle, 

"can we sleep in for a bit?" she's too cute, I kick off my vans and get into the blankets with her. El cuddles into me and goes back to sleep, I even fall asleep too. About an hour later Hopper bursts in,

"Max your Mom wants you home" 

"Oh right yea"

"Max make sure to call me, I can't wait to set up your new room!"  

"I will El" she smiles and I put my shoes back on. I kiss her goodbye and start to walk home, when I reach the house my Mom is packing the car,

"Max pack the rest of your stuff we have to get going"

"yea sure Mom" we walk into the half empty house and to my room, she helps me take my mattress out to the car and pack some more of my stuff,

"okay are we ready?"

"yea I think that's everything" I get into the car,

"Say goodbye to your father" I look back at my Mom,

"he's not my fath-"

"please Max" I step out of the car, Neil stands in the doorway, he flicks his cigarette at me, it burns, I wince,

"well bye I guess" I turn around but he grabs my arm, his grip is tight, 

"don't talk to me like that" he kicks me over,

"respect me"I don't say anything, he puts his face inches away from mine,

"RESPECT" he smacks my face,

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