Chapter 5

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Was I dreaming last night? Does Max like me? What am I going to do?

"Dad I'm going to Mikes" I call out to Hop but he's probably asleep, instead I just leave a note,

-some time later-

I knock on the wheelers door, Mike answers.

"Hey El! I haven't seen you in a while" He tries to kiss me but I just walk past. I walk up the stairs and knock on Nancys door, I hear someone fall to the ground and mumbling. Nancy comes to the door, she seems flustered,

"El?" She looks confused,

"Can I talk to you Nancy"

"I'm kind of busy El" she turns her head and looks at something in her room, I hear a raspy voice from inside her room,

"let her in Nance" Nancy smiles and opens the door, sitting on her bed is Robin, I've never really talked to her before but I know her and Max are friends.

"What's up El?" Nancy smiles at me,

"well last night I was having a sleepover with Max and she told me she liked me and then kissed me but then she just left? and since you two are girls dating girls, I need help" Nancy goes red,

"we aren't dati-"

"Max definitely likes you, she always talks about you" Robin smiles,

"Why did she leave then?" I look at her,

"she probably just got nervous and left"

"you think so?"

"I know so El" She gives me a cheeky smile, I can't believe Max likes me, do I like her?

"I think I like Max too" Nancy and Robin smile, suddenly Mike Burts through the door. He's mad,

"El I heard everything, Max has corrupted you're mind she's bullshit, you only like me remember, you like boys NOT girls" his teeth grind,

"Mike you can't decide who El likes" Nancy is mad too but not at me, at Mike, His face screws up and storms out the room, 

"YOU ARE BANISHED FROM THE PARTY" Nancy shuts the door behind him, I can't believe Mike did that,

Maxs POV

I'm disgusting, why do I like El, I should like Lucas. I'm the worst person in the world. I hate myself. I can't help but cry, I sink down to my knees and smash my head against the wall, why can't I just be normal.

"Keep it down in there bitch" Neils in the lounge watching his dumb tv show. I hear a quiet knock on my window, it's El. I clean myself up and open the window,

"Oh hey El" what is she doing here?

"Can I come in Max?"

"oh um sure" I pull her in,

"so about what I said last nigh-" El grabs my neck and pulls me in, her lips were soft and plump.

"I like you too Max" I can't stop smiling.


"can I sleepover?" I smile at her but she is hesitant,

"are you sure you want to? this place is a dump" I look around Max's room, it's perfect. She has pretty rainbow bed sheets and cool posters.

"It's perfect" I smile at Max, she smiles back. I rest my head on her shoulder, its not sharp like Mikes, it's soft. 

"Let's go get some food" she quickly kisses me

"oh ok!" I really just want to keep kissing Max, We climb out the window and head to the diner. We order some waffles and fries. Max is friends with the cook so he always gets her free food, I think Max has spent the night here a couple times.  The food comes but Max doesn't eat much of it but before I can say anything Dustin and Steve enter the diner. I wave them at them to come over,

"Hey guys, you gonna finish those?" Dustins staring down at the half eaten fries,

"HENDERSON, don't be rude" Steve pushes Dustin,

"Of course you guys can have some there's plenty left" Max talks to them for a while but I'm not really listening, Max grabs my hand under the table, I smile.

"I haven't seen you in ages Mayfield, where have you been?" Steve and Max are quite good friends, I start to zone out again, it's late and I'm bored. I go up close to Max's ear,

"I'm bored" I whisper in Max's ear,

"We'll be right back, maybe order some more food or something?" Max grabs my hand and takes me to the bathroom. We go into one of the stalls and I look at Max's face, she's so happy. She grabs my waist and pulls me close, she kisses me. Kissing with Max is much better than Mike. Max pulls away,

"we better get back to the boys but I swear we can head home soon" I don't think Max likes her house. She leans in for one more kiss and then we head out. Back at the table Steve and Dustin smile at each other.

"What stalkers?" 

"Um we gotta go" Max holds my hand.

"Let me give you a ride nugget" Nugget? what a weird name. Max rolls her eyes. Steve escorts us to his car, Dustin and Steve sit up front while me and Max sit in the backseat. I'm so tired, what time even is it? I rest my head on Max's shoulder and she puts her hand on my thigh. I can see Steve watching us in the mirror.

"Here's your stop, have a fun night ladies" Max pokes out her tongue,

"Thanks Stevie, and what Sophomore's shirt are you wearing tonight? " Steves smile wipes off his face as he looks down at his t-shirt and his face goes bright red. 

"It's actually YOUR MOMS" Steve and Dustin burst into laughter, Max rolls her eyes and grabs my hand, we run to Max's window as it's raining, unfortunately we still both end up soaked. 

"We probably should've worn a coat or something" I look down at Max's body, her white t-shirt has gone completely see through revealing her body underneath. I think Max noticed me staring because she crosses her arms. I walk forward and kiss her, but it wasn't a normal kiss. It was hot and passionate, I pushed her down onto the bed and now I was on top of her, I slowly started to shift my hand up her top but it's hard, the wet top is suctioned onto her. She grabs my hand,

"maybe we should get changed" I get up, does she not like it? 

"I'm sorry" she looks at me and then gets up and grabs some clothes, she hands me a yellow hoodie, it says "Sunny Side California" and a pair of grey shorts,

"it gets cold here at night" I start to undress, unsticking my wet clothes from my frozen body. I go to remove my now soggy blouse but I can't seem to reach the buttons. Max stands up behind me, I feel her soft fingers slowly unbutton the back and remove it, I put on her hoodie and turn around. Max is wearing  a striped t-shirt and grey sweatpants, she sits down on the bed, I crave her touch. I sit in-between her legs and slowly lay back onto her, She starts to play with my wet hair. 

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