Chapter 12

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-2 weeks later-


The school bell rings to end the day, I grab my stuff and meet the party at the gates,

"El over here!" Will waves me over, everyone is already waiting, only Will knows Max and I are dating. Mike knows I like Max but nothing else, Dustin is completely oblivious, I think Lucas is too but I don't know, Max probably didn't tell him,

"So I was wondering if you guys wanted to go to a party tonight?" Lucas asks, he recently became popular and started to get more girls.

"Why??" Mike asks,

"Well I just thought we should go out" Lucas shrugs,

"You totally wanna go to hookup with Tara" Max giggles a little, Lucas smiles and softly punches Max,

"Heyyy what can I say?" He smirks at Max, something weird comes over me, a different kind of feeling,

"Then sure I'll go Stalker" Max smiles, this feeling inside me grows, it makes me want to punch Lucas,

"El you all good?" Lucas asks, 

"I'm FINE" I roll my eyes,

"Uh okay? How about the rest of you, wanna come?"

"Yea sure" Dustin smiles,

"I'll go if Mike does" Will stares at Mike,

"mmm I guess I'll go" Mike says,

"I want to go if Max is" I grab her hand,

"Okay great! Meet at my place at 7!" Lucas smiles at Max and she grins widely, are they dating?

"Alright see you then" Dustin walks over to Steves car,

"El moms here, lets go" Will and Mike go to Joyce's car

"See you tonight El!" Max goes into hug me,

"Bye" I say and walk away.

Max's POV

What just happened?? Is El mad at me?

"What the fuck just happened" I say out loud,

"That was kinda weird" Lucas replies,

"Did I do something wrong?"

"I don't think so, maybe she's just nervous for the party" Lucas suggests,

"maybe" I stare at the ground and start to pick at my nails,

"hey do you wanna hangout before?" Lucas smiles,

"Yea sure" I smile back and we start walking to his house,

"so you and Tara getting close?" I ask,

"You could say that" He replies,

"Something wrong?"

"No well, yes"

"what is it?"

"well I dunno I just get so awkward around her, like shy almost" 

"wow you must really like her Lukey Poo" we both laugh,

"I'll make you a deal, at the party if you feel awkward just come grab me"

"what's in it for you?"

"you have to be my servant for the day"

"hmmmm what day?"

"whenever I pick" I smirk,

"ok deal" he holds out his hand and I shake it, soon we arrive at his house. No ones home but there's fresh cookies out on the table,

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