Chapter 4

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Max's POV

We're sitting on El's bed and she looks worried, is something wrong?

"Do you want a shower Max? You look kind of tired." shit do I smell bad? I haven't showered in 3 days.

"Oh yea sure" I head off to the bathroom, it's small but cozy. I pull back the shower curtain and undress. Without warning El opened the door,

"EL" she hands me a towel,

"sorry Max I thought you would need a towel" she seems confused, I hope I didn't embarrass her.

"It's okay El, is Hopper still here? I step into the shower and pull the curtain.

"No he left to buy us food" she turns around starts to walk out,

"Wait El, could you keep me company?"

"Like here in the bathroom?" 

"Yea, I just don't like being alone in other peoples houses"

"Of course I can Max"


"do you think I could borrow some clothes El?"

"Yea of course you can! let me go grab something" I leave the bathroom and shuffle though my wardrobe. What would Max like? I manage to find a t-shirt that is big enough to work as a dress. I go back to the bathroom, this time knocking first,

"El you don't need to knock" I open the door, Max is still in the shower,

"Hurry up Max I need to shower too!"

"Oh sorry El, I'm nearly done" I start to undress, Max pulls open the curtain and she tries to look away, our eyes meet, why do I feel like I have butterflies in my stomach. Max's body is almost angelic, its so fine yet curvy in the right places, she is so attractive. 

"Oh um El! you're naked" Max's face is bright red now,

"Max you need to stop trying to protect me!"

"I know I'm sorry I just don't want to take advantage of you, I don't even know what you know!" Max gets out of the shower and wraps around a towel, I step into the shower after her.

Max's POV

Oh god she totally hates me now, why was I so awkward. I ruined everything again. But Holy shit, El is hot.

"Why am I standing on a cloud, Every time you're around,And my sadness disappears,Every time you are near" El started singing Madonnas Angel, I can't help but sing along. We start laughing thinking about the time we spied on the boys. El finishes up in the shower and we head into her room.

"I picked you out this tshirt Maxie" Maxie? SHE GAVE ME A NICKNAME, how adorable.

"Thanks El" I remove my towel and put on a green oversized t-shirt. I put on my shorts underneath. I can't help but notice El staring at me. She is wearing  a striped night gown.

"You look cute in that El" I can't help myself, she looks so sweet. She smiles,

"Oh shut up Max" We both laugh,

"EL IM HOME" its Hopper, he comes to do door and drops off some pizza. I don't really feel like eating.

"Oh um I already ate"

"No you haven't Max? I was with you like all day?" Shit I forgot.

"Oh right yea,  I'm just not hungry" El picks up a piece and waves it towards my mouth. How could I say no? She's basically feeding me, I suppose a few bites couldn't hurt.

-some time later-

It was late in the night now, I could tell El was tired, her head kept dropping. I couldn't  see her face but I know she was dozing off. I couldn't help but laugh, I was lying on her bed and she sat on the ground next to me, she stood up and then basically collapsed onto of me. I pull the blankets up and she started cuddling into me, then she basically knocks out cold. Is this real.

El's POV

I'm so sleepy, I bet Max isn't, she's cool she probably stays up late. I try to stay awake for Max but I keep falling asleep, I hear her laugh from the bed. I get up and fall onto the bed, I land on top of Max, I'm so tired I can't even move. I don't think she minds though,She is so comfortable, I wrap my arms around her shoulders and rest my head on her chest, I can feel her breasts but she doesn't know that. I feel her leg wrap around mine, I can't help but smile. Max turns the lamp off beside the bed, I close my eyes,

"goodnight El" she kisses my forehead and plays with my hair, I like it.

"goodnight Max" I feel her heart beat faster and her body stiffen. Did I do something wrong? I sit up and turn on the light, I stare into Max's tired eyes,

"Max what's wrong"

"O-Oh El, it's nothing" she forces a smile. I focus my eyes on her neck, why is it bruised? I think she noticed, she pulls her top up to cover it up.

"Is your neck bruised, why is your neck bruised Max?" Max bites her lip,

"oh um can I use your bathroom" she leaps out of the bed and rushes to the bathroom. What's wrong with Max and why is she hiding it from me? 

Max's POV

Shit, where is the makeup in this bathroom, I try to rummage through the draws without making to much noise. Finally I find a small black container, I quickly open it and cake it on my neck. I go back to El's room, she looks mad.

"why do you lie" 


"Max why do you lie" I see a tear roll down her cheek.

"Max do you hate me?" She starts to cry, I rush to her and pull her close. This is all my fault,

"No El! I- i like you" her crying stops and she looks up at me, I lean in and kiss her. 

"M- Max?"  i feel my face go red, 

"I um have to go sorry El" I run out of the room, leaving all my stuff behind. Fuck why did I do that. She is going to hate me now. God why am I such a idiot. I feel the cold night wind against my bare legs, great now I have to walk home.

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