Chapter 2

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Elevens POV

I wake up in Mike's basement, it smells like dust and boys and I feel like I'm lying on a rock. Suddenly I get a chill, It's Mike, he wraps his arms around my waist. His skin is so coarse and rough, he kisses me on the side of my neck, his lips are ice cold. I get up and go to the bathroom, Why do I feel this way? I love Mike? My head is spinning, suddenly Mike bursts through the door. He comes closer to me and pushes me against the wall kissing me passionately but I don't feel anything except disgust. Why don't I love Mike? My head feels like it's about to explode.

Max's POV

I wake up to the phone ringing like a sharp needle piercing my brain. I hear my mother shuffle up to the phone and answer. A few seconds later she yells,

"It's for you Max!"

"Coming now" I say, rolling out of bed. I hope it's El, I rush to the phone and take the phone from my mothers hand, waiting to hear El's sweet voice. 


"Max it's me Mike" To my disgust, it's dickwad, I sigh,

"it's about El!" I roll my eyes and talk on the phone,

"What did she dump you again loser"

"She just collapsed on the bathroom floor"


"No we don't need yo-" I hangup and ran out the door, making sure to grab my board. I skated as fast as I could to Mikes place, I raced into the basement to see El lying almost lifeless on the couch.

"What did you do idiot?" 

"Nothing and I don't need you here!" I roll my eyes, Mike is so stupid. I sit beside El's and lift her head on to lap. El's eyes start to flicker open.

"Max?" She smiles at me, she is so cute. I smile back.

"Hey El are you oka-"

"EL ITS ME MIKE ARE YOU OKAY??" Typical Mike he is such an attention seeker. El sits up.

"Yes I'm fine? What happened?" 

"You passed out El" Mike and I jinx, ew.

El's POV

I wake up again but this time I am warm and cozy I open my eyes to a familiar face. It's Max, my head is resting on her lap.

"Max?" I smile, Max is so comfortable. She looks at me and her face brightens.

"Hey El are you oka-" suddenly I feel this dark cloud above.

"EL ITS ME MIKE ARE YOU OKAY??" Oh, it's Mike, I sit up and check the surrounding, I'm still in the basement but I can't remember anything.

"Yes I'm fine. What happened?"

"You passed out El" Max and Mike say together. They give each other a dirty look,

"Oh weird"

"Yea anyways I thought tonight we should have a group sleepover in my basement" Mike gives me a weird look as if he wants something from me.

"Anything to get me away from my house" Max has a horrible stepdad, he is mean to her which makes me sad.

"Who said I invited you" Mike says in a snarky tone, Max gets up and leaves the basement,

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