Chapter 10

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El's POV

I wake up, it is freezing, I yank the blankets. 

"HEY" Shit I forgot Max was here, 

"Whoops" I giggle and she tries to fit the blanket over both of us,

"God this blanket pisses me off" Max starts to get frustrated,

"Let me" I lay down on top of her, Max's smooth skin pressed against mine,

"Oh uh I guess that works" I look up at Max's bright red face,

"Maxine you up??" Max's mom starts to open the door, 

"UH DON'T COME IN I'M CHANGING MOM" Max freaks out and Susan closes the door,

"Okay well I'm off to work, let me know if you do anything tonight"

"yup, bye mom" We hear the front door shut and her car drive away, 

"God that was fucking scary" Max sighs,

"Yea but I don't think your mom would care Max"

"she would if she saw we were naked"

"Not as crazy as Hop would be" we laugh, just then the phone rings, Max throws on an oversized top and runs out to get it. I stand up get dressed, I spot one of Max's hoodies and put it on, it smells just like her. I walk out of her room and into the kitchen , Max sees me and starts to blush, she hangs up the phone.

"Well Hopper says he's coming to pick you up because school starts up again tomorrow" she groans at the thought of school,

"hey it will be fun Max! we have like all of our classes together!" I hug her,

"mmmm I suppose" she mumbles into my shoulder, we stay like that until I hear hoppers truck honk outside,

"I've got to go Maxie" I let go and start to take her hoodie off, she stops me,

"keep it" Max smiles and I smile back, I quickly kiss her and run out to the car where Hopper is waiting. 

"hey kid" he says as I get in the car,

"hey hop!" I put my seatbelt on and he starts to drive,

"so what did you two get up to?" I blush,

"oh uh not much"

"so something I wouldn't like?" he chuckles,

"I'm just kidding kiddo, just make sure you are safe" I nod my head and we drive in silence the rest of the trip.

-fast forward to later in the day-

Max's POV

"maxxx" I hear my walkie talkie go off, I run over and grab it,


"MAX!" I laugh,

"are you ready for school tomorrow max?" 

"uh yeaaaa" I haven't even got my bag out,

"come on Max! also you better not be late tomorrow"

"I will try not to"

"Lets meet at the front door with the boys"

"ok yea" I hear El yawn,

"you sound tired"

"nooo i wanna talk with you"

"you better get some sleep El" I make kissy noises,

"stoppp maxie!" we both laugh, 

"okay I know you are tired so goodnight Max! I love you too" she giggles,

"goodnight El! Love you too!!" I put the walkie down,

Elmax I Kissed A GirlWhere stories live. Discover now