Chapter 8

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Max's POV

"wow I can't believe El's big spoon"

"yea not going to lie, I always thought Max would be" I open my eyes, Nancy and Robin are standing over us. I sit up,

"WHAT are you doing here"

"Max chill " Robin sits down on the end of my bed,

"we want to hangout again"

"ugh fine but only because you two are obviously to awkward to hangout one on one" Nancy and Robins face goes bright red, 

"WHAT we are not" I roll my eyes and go to the bathroom,

"Max your princess is awake" Robin yells,

"Hold on I need to pee" Just as I pulled my shorts up El burst through the door,

"EL!" my face goes red but she just laughs,

"MAXIE" she jumps into my arms, she kiss my forehead and put down on the basin.  I wash my hands and then pick El back up, we walk back into my room. Robin and Nancy are sitting on the end of my bed, 

El's POV

"yuck guys come on!" Max smiles and starts kissing me,

"gross oh my god Nance shield my eyes" Robin squeezes her eyes shut and Max stops,

"Robin you are just mad that I am an excellent kisser, Right El?"

"not as good as Mike" I joke, Robin starts to laugh,

"Oh really?!" Max stands up and pushes Nancy and Robin out of the room, shutting  the door behind her. She pushes me down onto the bed and get's on top of me and then starts to MAKE OUT with me ,she puts her hands behind my head and pulls me in close. She removes her top and rolls over flipping me on top of her, Max starts to unbutton my shirt when the door creaks open. She pulls me down to shield herself, Our bare stomachs press against each others,

"Oh my god" Nancy and Robins jaws drop, Max's face goes red,

"Gross I think I'm going to vomit" Robin gags,

"seriously guys you thought now was the right time?" Nancy rolls her eyes,

"Whoops" Max says and smirks at me, I shut the door with my powers,

"El?" Max looks at me confused, I start to kiss her neck and I feel her grip my back tight.

"You are a much better kisser than Mike" I whisper in her ear, she blushes, I start to kiss her again,

"GUYS ENOUGH" Nancy knocks on the door, Max rolls her eyes and I unlock the door,

"You guys are so gross" 

"what can I say I'm extremely attractive, sort of hard to resist" Max smirks at me, I sit on her lap and I feel her heartbeat faster, Max leans back and grabs a hoodie, she pulls it on and everything goes dark,

"HELP" I feel her chest move as Max laughs, she puts her hands around my waist and pulls me out of the hoodie, she whispers in my ear,

"you are adorable el" I blush, 

"what did you just say to her? were you talking about me?!" Robin walks over and pushes Max,

"ROBI-" Max falls back off the bed,

"Oh my god, I did not mean to do that" Robin scrambles to help her back up,

"rude" Max sits back down next to me,

"sooo what should we do today?" Robin sits in between us,

"god you are so annoying" Max rolls her eyes,

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