5 ~ safe or not?

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It was two weeks later and i was finally able to play football again and it made me happy. We had a match today after school and i was excited but also nervous. Mr Giles had selected me as captain. Me and Poppy were warming up when my phone started ringing. I looked at the contact and it said 'Luce <3'.

"It's Lucy. I'll be back in a minute." I told Poppy and she said okay. I walked over to the side of the field and answered it. She had face timed me. "Hey Captain, good luck today. You will smash it." She said and she was with the rest of the girls.

"Thanks Luce." I smiled. It warmed me like knowing that this many people cared about me.

"What position are you playing in?" Leah asked me.

"I'm in goal today, which is good because i like being in goal. I like being Striker as well though." I replied.

"Well from a fellow goalie i've seen you in goal and you were fantastic." Mary told me and it boosted my confidence a little bit.

"Thank you guys, but i have to go and finish warming up. I will let you know how we do." I told them before saying bye and hanging up.

It was the start of the game and i think we started strong. We were against our rival school. Poppy went to shoot but it was saved. The ball started coming towards my side of the pitch and i got ready for them to shoot, which they did but i managed to save it.

It was half time and it was 1 all. We got in a huddle and i gave them a speech about making sure that they're all marking someone and that they take every opportunity they get to shoot and that i was proud of them all for playing well in the first half.

I decided to text Lucy to update her on how the game was going.

Luce <3

Hey Luce it's half time and the score is 1-1.

Well done! I'm sure you guys will do great in the next half and Leah told me to tell you that giving the girls a motivational speech normally pushes them to work harder in the second half.

Tell Leah that i've already gave them a motivational speech and that i'm going to trust her when she says it works.

I will make sure to let her know. Good luck.

After talking to Lucy, Poppy came up to me. "Hey Lotts."

"Hey Pops you played really well and your goal was epic."

"Thank you but i have to give you the credit for teaching me that one." Poppy said before dragging me back out to the field for the second half.

It was the end of the match and Poppy scored the winning goal. She ran over to me and jumped into my arms. "Well done Pops. I'm proud of you."

"I'm proud of you too." Poppy told me and then all of the other girls came over and joined in on the hug.

After we separated of tom the hug, i put Poppy down and went to go over to Mr Giles but someone else caught my attention. I saw Lucy walk through the door and before she had the chance to sit down in the stands with Poppy's parents i'd already ran up to her and jumped into her arms and wrapped my legs around her waist. "What are you doing here? You're meant to be training today." I asked her and she put me down.

"I may have lied. Today was our day off. I wanted to surprise you. I missed you." Lucy told me as she ruffled my hair.

"I'm glad you're here. I think i'm going to introduce you to the others as my mum. Only if it's okay with you though." I asked and i was nervous about what she was going to respond with. She placed her hand on my cheek and rubbed it with her thumb.

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