22 ~ Game day

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Scarlett's Pov
I woke up to my alarm ringing in my ears. I don't remember going to bed last night, mum or mam must have carried me to bed. I checked my phone and i had a message from Anna and i felt a smile creep onto my face.

Anna banana :)
Hey Scar i just wanted to tell you good luck today i know you're going to smash it and i will be there cheering you on and i'm excited to watch you play, it's going to be the highlight of my week xx

Thanks Anna i'm excited to see you today xx

The message from Anna made my day and it made me want to get out of bed and get ready for the day. I got ready and put my Man City jumper on over the top of my trackies and top. I then went downstairs and only mam was there. "Good morning Mam." I said and it got her attention.

"Morning Scar, your mum has just popped to little tesco because we realised we have no food in for tonight." Mam informed me and it stopped me from wondering where mum was.

As if mum knew i was looking for her she walked through the front door with two tesco bags in her hand. I went over to her and took one of them off her and then started to help her put them away.

After we'd finished putting them away i sat at the breakfast bar. "Scar you need to eat your breakfast. You can't eat nothing before the game." Mam told me, making sure mum heard it. Mum turned to look at me and gave me her 'mum' look.

"I can't eat. I'm too nervous." I told them both and mums facial expression changed to a more gentle expression.

"Eat a banana. It doesn't have to be a big breakfast but as long as you eat something baby girl." Mum told me and handed me a banana.

I started peeling it and then ate it. After i ate it we got in the car and left. Mum put Taylor Swift on in the car because she knew it would calm me down. She was correct because i felt my nerves slip away as i sang to every song that came on.

We arrived at the stadium and i got out of the car. Mum got all of our stuff out of the car and carried my stuff in for me, i love her so much.

When we got there, Ellie and Lauren were already there. They came over to us as we were walking and hugged me. "Hey speedy." Lauren said at the same time Ellie said, "Hi missy." I responded to them by saying hi back.

We walked into the changing rooms and started getting changed. I was excited. I knew that i was starting. Probably the first time i'm going to start for years because the other girls deserve it way more, the only reason i'm starting is so that Sarina can see me for as long as possible. She wants me to play the full game.

The ManCity lineup was:
Scarlett Bronze,
Lauren Hemp,
Ellen White,
Chloe Kelly,
Keira Walsh,
Jill Scott,
Steph Houghton (C),
Alex Greenwood,
Esme Morgan,
Lucy Bronze,
Ellie Roebuck (GK).

The ManU line up was:
Alessia Russo
Nikita Parris
Lucia Garcia
Ella Toone
Katie Zelem (C)
Lucy Staniforth
Hannah Blundell
Millie Turner
Maya Le Tissier
Ona Battle
Mary Earps (GK)

As we were getting changed, the other girls walked in and started getting changed. I was the first one to finish getting changed and as soon as i was ready i walked out of the changing rooms and made my way into the pitch through the tunnel. Was i nervous? Yes. Do i feel like i'm going to be sick because of how anxious i am? Also yes.

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