27 ~ Post match

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We shook hands with the Austrian team and the person i clashed heads with talked to me. "I'm Sarah. You're a pretty incredible player for being only 16." She told me and i said thank you. The rest of the handshakes were pretty normal. I knew some of them were Leah's teammates like Zinsberger and Wienroither so i'd end up playing against them in the wsl.

We were then pulled into a huddle with all the england players and staff. Sarina was congratulating us on our performance. "And can we give Scarlett a huge well done for playing so well and scoring on her debut." Sarina said and then the whole team started clapping and Beth England opened her arms telling me to go and hug her, which i did.

"Now don't go stealing my place in the team will you." She joked.

"No promises." I told her back.

After we'd split up from the team huddle, Sarina got Mr Giles, Pops and the students and Anna and her family down into the field.

I hugged Anna and she kissed me on the cheek again. Lily begged me to give her a piggy back so i bent down so she could climb on my back. I then called Poppy over to us. "Pops this is Anna and Anna this is Poppy." I introduced them to each other.

"So you're the person who i've been hearing about for what seems like forever." Pops said and i felt my face go red because i was slightly embarrassed that Anna knew that i'd liked her for ages.

"You talk about me?" She asked me and i felt my face go even more red as i nodded. "That's cute." She told me before averting her attention back to Poppy. "Yes i'm Anna it's great to finally meet you." She told Pops and pulled her into a hug. They started talking and they got along and it made me happy.

I looked over at Mr Giles and he called me over to him. "I'm going over to Mr Giles." I told them and they said okay.

Him and the students were with pretty much the whole squad. I walked over to him and he pulled me into a hug and i reciprocated it. "I'm so proud of you Scar." He told me and id never realised how lucky i was to have him in my life until that moment and tears started forming in my eyes, but for once they were happy tears and it never felt better.

"Thank you for everything you've done for me sir." I told him and then released him from the hug. We got a picture with each other and then he wanted a picture with the students and me as well so i agreed to it.

The year 7s were so cute, but i swear they got smaller every year. Paige one of the year 7s started talking to me. "You're really cool Scarlett." She told me and i laughed.

"I'm not that cool. I'm a big nerd." I told her and she smiled at me.

"Well then you're a cool nerd." She told me and she kept looking at my shirt.

"You can have it if you want." I told her and her eyes lit up and she nodded.

"Yes please." She said in an adorable voice. I took my shirt off and gave it to her and i saw one of the photographers taking a photo of us. After i gave it her i gave her a hug and then Jill, who had been wanting me to go over to her for a while now came over to me. I said bye to sir and everyone else and then jumped on Jill's back.

As we were walking around the pitch, we got called over for an interview. I stayed on Jill's back throughout the interview because i couldn't be bothered to stand up.

Obviously Scarlett it was your debut today. How did you find it?

"Um yeah i was so nervous to play today as i'm sure all of the girls could tell you, but Lotte and Beth England definitely managed to keep me calm. I mean Lotte has such a way with words and her voice is just really relaxing anyway, so i always calm down when i'm around her. When i got onto the pitch i was nervous to begin with, but my nerves went away pretty quickly and i really enjoyed playing and i want to give Sarina a big thank you for believing that i was capable of playing in the second half even when we only had a 1 goal lead." I answered.

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