10 ~ will they like me?

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Scarlett's Pov
It had been a week since the incident and Leah had gone home last night and today is my first day of training in the Man City U17 team and I wasn't sure if I was excited or nervous, maybe it was a mix between the two. Lucy had booked me in to see a therapist after training and I wasn't sure how to feel about it. I was scared to open up to someone about my past and I was scared that they would judge me.

It was 9:20 and i was packing my football bag. I had training from 10:00-15:00 today so i was having lunch whilst i was there. I was nervous to meet everyone because i didn't know whether they'd like me or not.

Before i knew it, it was 9:30 and Lucy was calling me down because it was time to leave. She also told me that it was good to get to every training session ten minutes early, so that's what we were doing.

We got there at around 9:50 and there was one other person there other than Gareth. "Scarlett, Lucy it's lovely to see you. This is Annabelle Ricketts and she is also new this season. She's 16 so you're the same age. Do you two want to go and get changed and then go out to the pitch while we wait for the others." Gareth introduced us.

"Bye sweetheart I'll see you later." Lucy told me and kissed my head.

"Bye I'll see you later." I told her before leaving with Annabelle to the changing room.

"That's really cool having Lucy Bronze drop you off!" She exclaimed to me.

"She's my mum. I was in foster care, but then we got reunited and I guess I live with her now. It was weird at first. You know getting told that Lucy Bronze, the person I'd looked up to for so long, could be my birth mum." I explained to her and she agreed with me that it would have been weird. I liked Annabelle. She didn't judge any of my scars or say anything about them when she saw them, although i did put long sleeves on because i wasn't sure what the other girls would think, instead she asked me about my favourite food and colour and she was funny and she made me laugh lots. I could tell we were going to be friends because this is what it felt like when I first met Poppy.

Once we were changed we went out to the pitch and Gareth told us to run laps as a warm up and that the others had just arrived. We ran around the pitch alongside each other.

"Where were you playing before you came here?" I asked Annabelle.

"I was playing at a small football club there was around 13 of us, so it was no where near the size of this team. We played the other small clubs in the area and Gareth occasionally came to the games to see if he wanted anyone to try out for ManCity and I guess I got lucky because he asked me to come to the trials." She explained to me and it made sense. "You weren't at the trials." She stated after.

"No I wasn't. Lucy refuses to leave me in the house by myself at the moment because of reasons so she brought me to one of her training sessions and Gareth told me I could join in instead of sitting on the side and then he offered me a place." I told her and she stopped dead in her tracks, which caused me to stop and look at her.

"You were that girl the other week with the womens team?!" She exclaimed and her reaction amused me. I nodded. "Some of the girls were there in the stands because they liked to watch the older ones train and they took videos of you because they'd never seen you before and all of the girls were treating you like a baby so it was obvious you weren't apart of the team and on the trial day they went around asking everyone whether they knew who it was." She told me and that made her reaction make sense.

"Really? Well let them figure it out for themselves. I wanna see how fast it takes them." I told her and she shook my hand and said deal.

After we warmed up and everyone else had warmed up Gareth got us doing fitness things, like things to test our agility, speed and coordination and that kind of stuff. In the agility and speed activities i was the first to finish by quite a bit. The coordination activity was done in a circle.

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