2 - The Call

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"Sup dingus, I thought we were seeing eachother in the classroom?" Robin said startling Steve.Shit, I got to focused on that guy Eddie.."lets just hurry up Robin" Steve was about to start walking when Robin stopped him,"Nuh uh, tell me why you aren't in class before me" The guy with fluffy hair couldn't possibly tell his best friend he ran into a guy, and gave him his phone number..right?"I-i..was just waiting for you, I'm a good friend Rob," Steve started walking off again, Robin gave him a head start to ponder for a moment."Whatever, wait up!" Robin jogged to catch up to Steve, who wasn't that far ahead."Wait, why would you wait for me if you said you'll meet me in class?" Robin said walking, crossing her arms, staring at Steve who didn't dare to give her a glance."Drop the subject Buckley, I said I'm just a good friend.." Steve was getting a bit angry and annoyed by Robin."Fine.." They soon find themselves infront of their classroom door, Steve walks in, immediatly going to his seat."We're so sorry for being late!" Robin said to the teacher, she then sat next to Steve, who had already took out his stuff to jot things down.While Steve was trying to focus on copying down what has been written on the board, he heard all the whispers. Were they making out? Why are they late? That Robin girl is a slut for hanging out with Steve. Why did King Steve pick her?He heard them all, it was like being bullied..yet..not directly to your face..

'Time Skip'

After class, everyone has packed up and left the classroom, subject still the same. Maybe they had...you know...! Steve despised it, yet also wandering if Robin heard it aswell. A slight voice was heard behind him,"Finally dropped the mood dingus?" It was Robin,"I guess?" Steve looked behind him, waiting for Robin to catch up. "Hey Robin?" Robin catched up to answer him,"yeah?" Robin said, breathing heavily."Do you perhaps hear them too?" Robin was in confusion,"Hear who?" Robin looked at Steve with a weird look upon her face."Our classmates! They're talking about us.." Robin chuckled."I don't listen to what they have to say about us, its not our buissness" Steve looked at Robin as if she was stupid,"Are you stupid!? It is our buissness if it includes us!" Robin didn't give a shit about what they thought about her, but thats where she was wrong..they were talking about them being together..as a couple."Rob, they aren't talking bad about us" Robin was totally confused now,"Then why does our names come out of their mouth?" Robin implied."They...think we're a couple.." Robin's eyes were open, as wide as they can go."WHAT?!" Robin let out of her mouth."WHY DO THEY THINK WE'RE DATING?" Robin wanted to throw up at that moment."I'll tell you, just..don't think I told anyone we did" Robin nodded her head, no one was around to hear."First of all, we hang out ALOT-" The guy with fluffy hair was interrupted by Robin,"What does that have to do with a relationship? We're just friends!" Steve ran his fingers through his hair."Everyone thinks that every girl I hangout with..I date-" Robin was shaking her head in anger,"Continue with the reasons, Steve.." Steve honestly didn't because it looks like she already got the message."And we came in LATE at the same time.." Robin looked at Steve annoyed,"Great, now we know everyone in our class has a dirty mind.." Robin stormed off to the bathroom,"Hey! Where you going?!" Robin was still stomping to the bathroom,"I gotta pee!" For a second, Steve was thinking she wanted to be away from him.

'Time Skip'

At Steve's house, he had already gotten his phone back from Robin's, Steve sat at his desk starting his homework, waiting..for an important call..

An hour passes and Steve has finished his homework, bored, still waiting..sooner or later he will call..right? As soon as you know it, *ring* *ring*, Steve immediatly answered the phone."Uhm, I hooe this is the right number, are you Steve Harrington?" Steve turned red, he..called....HE CALLED! SHIT WHAT DO I SAY, Wait..HE DOESN'T EVEN KNOW ITS ME YET- "Hello? Ugh, sorry to waste your time, this is the wrong number-" Eddie was cut off,"WAIT- Its me! Steve Harrington-" Eddie laughed."What took you so long to answer harrington?" Steve gulped, why does be act like this near that guy? Whats happening to Steve?"I-i..don't know..?" You could hear Eddie flopping onto his bed,"You seem like a softie more than a king-" Eddie soon then chuckled."Hey! Whats your address? Maybe I'll come visit some time and say hi" Eddie got up from his bed and went to get a paper and a pen."Oh uhm 8253 Carlton Road" Eddie wrote it down, "Got it, do you wanna hangout there?" Steve had a question in mind,"Today?" Steve said."Sure! Why not? I'll go head over there right now, see ya!" *beep* *beep*, Eddie endes the call,shit, Eddie is coming over my house? TODAY? RIGHT NOW? I HAVE TO CLEAN MY BEDROOM-

Me: so uhm..heh..yeah we are just going to forget about the fight Steve and Robin had🙃

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