11 - Nurse

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Authors note: HIIIIIIIIII this is an apology for the events ahead of the story you have read ^^ (I’m not sorry about Jason, suffer Uwu)

Warning: angering scenes ahead. I think swears idk, AND EVERYONE SHOULD KNOW THERE IS GAY IN HERE.

    The doctor came into the room. “Oh, good, he is awake. We can now give him his medicine.” Eddie jumped up (ofc it hurt :) ) “fuck, But I am not taking medicine! Literally anything else! I-I’ll even get a shot instead!” Eddie panicked. “Eddie, you’re hurt, you’re gonna need pain killers. Just do what the doctor’s say,” Steve said. This idiot thinks he can take a good beating and not even take pain killers? For god’s sake he’s in the hospital! “Fine..” Eddie layed back down and took a deep breath. “Thank you, while you were talking I got the medicine ready for you.” Eddie groaned.

He took the little measuring cup that was filled to the brim with medicine. Eddie groaned again before he drank it. Eddie finished it and handed the cup back to the doctor. “EUGH” Eddie gagged. “Do you need water?” Steve asked. “Yes, please.” Eddie had his tongue out with a disgusted face. Steve got up and exited the room. HUH HE JUST LEFT ME? Eddie thought. Steve came back with water 1 minute later.

    “Here’s your water” Steve handed him the water. “Where did you go?” Eddie asked. “There is a vending machine outside this room,” Steve mentioned. The doctor left holding a chart. “Why did he leave?” Eddie asked in confusion. “You think I know?” Steve replied. “UGH I NEED TO PEE” Eddie groaned as if he had to walk up 10 sets of stairs. “Well I don’t think you can get up, just ask the doctor” Steve put his hands on his hips. “....YOU JUST SAW HIM LEAVE—” Steve blinked and looked around the room. “Oh yea-” Eddie groaned again. “Just..try to get up carefully..” Steve said in concern. “Can you atleast help meeee” Eddie held out his hand waiting for Steve to help him up. A nurse walks in and shuts the door. “Hi, I’m Miss Sailor~” She winked at Steve. Steve didn’t notice and tried to help Eddie up. “Oh, here, let me help you,”

    She walked over and grabbed Eddie’s arm, mostly holding onto Steve’s hand. Eddie was able to get up. “The bathroom is there, we got a room with a bathroom.” Steve led him. “So…what’s your name..??” The nurse asked and held her hands in front of her. “Uh, Steve Harrington? Is this necessary? Oh! Just so you know I am a visitor.”

    “Hm, I knew I knew you from somewhere! You’re in year 12, yes?”

“Uh, yeah, me and Eddie.” The woman’s smile frowned.”Who..is Eddie?” the nurse said and crossed her arms. “Are you in the right room? Eddie is your patient?” Steve was now suspicious of her, how does a nurse forget her patient's name? “Ah..right..Eddie! What may I ask happened to him?” She tried changing the subject, but not so smart. “We wrote it down on the form, his name, what happened..are you sure you’re in the right room?” Like really! How does she not know? Does she even work here? Is she even a nurse? Did she graduate college for this? WHO IS SHE?

“Oh..haha…just let me check real quick..” The nurse pulls up a piece of paper. “What room is this..? She asks. “What room do you have?”

“Heh, just tell me what room this is..”

“Tell me. What room. You were assigned.” Steve had a serious face.

“Uhmm, 231..?”

“That’s not this room, what patient do you have?”

“That's uhm, not for you to know. Privacy reasons, should’ve read the terms and conditions haha..”

“I did read them..that wasn't included.”

    The doctor walked in. “Oh, I did not assign a nurse here? Was there a problem?” The doctor pulled his glasses out of his pockets and put them on. “We did not request a nurse, and she does not belong here.” Steve answered. “Hm, I do not seem to recognize you. May I ask what’s your name?” The doctor questioned the nurse. “Uh, uhm Ms.Rodriguez.” The doctor checked his doctor/nurse list. “There is one Ms.Rodriguez, but you don’t look like her..are you new here?” The nurse teared up of guilt. They're gonna find out sooner or later… I must leave.

    “I’m very much sorry, I must be in the wrong section of the hospital, and yes, I am new here. Just trying to find my way..”  She tried exiting but the doctor stopped her. “I didn’t mean for this section..the entire doctor and or nurse list.” The doctor stared into her eyes. “I’m going to have to ask you to leave this building.” The ‘nurse’ nods and heads out.

    “I had my suspicions..” Steve said as he sat down in the chair. “Anyways, where is my patient?” The doctor said as he finally noticed Eddie wasn’t there. “Oh, he is in the bathroom.” The doctor sighs and gets his stuff ready for Eddie. “It’s been a while, I‘m going to check on him,” Steve gets up and knocks on the bathroom door.

“Eddie? Are you ok in there?”

“I’m uh..stuck on the toilet..I can’t get up..”

Steve sighed..”what do you want me to do? The doctor needs you.” Eddie groaned. “Uh, I ‘m gonna try to atleast get my pants up and then you can help me?” Eddie suggested. I mean, it's invading privacy if Steve helps him when his pants and or underwear are not pulled back up. Steve nods and agrees. Eddie gets up groaning in pain, he pulls up his pants and unlocks the door. Steve comes in and puts his arm around Eddie. Eddie limps and then he was finally put to bed.
    “Can you pass the hand sanitizer? I didn’t have the chance to wash my hands..” Eddie reaches out. Steve grabs the hand sanitizer, gives Eddie a bit then puts it back. “Ok, Eddie. I’m gonna need to clean your wounds.”

    The doctor got finished up.

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