5 - Problems?

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The next day at school, Steve met up with Robin at lunch."He really did that?!" Robin shouted,"Yes, Rob, he did" Robin was in shock, her mouth wide open."I can't believe he changed you and slept with you!" Robin said in a whisper, making sure no one else heard,"And that was all yesterday!" Steve stated.Robin was getting Homosexual tingles from Steve."Wait...DOES STEVIE BOY HAVE A CRUSH?!" Robin yelled arcoss the lunch room, grabbing everyone's attention."Thanks alot Rob" Steve rolled his eyes and sighed.Do you think he has a crush on me? OMG ITS DEFINITELY ME GUYS!! Stevie? His crush better be Robin! Steve heard even more whispers. He hated it.

'Time Skip'

After lunch, Steve was by himself near the lockers, Till Jason and his friends were dragging Eddie towards him."Hey! St-steve has nothing to do with this!" Eddie shouted, immediatly when he saw Harrington."He does he has some sort of relationship with you." Jason said. Once They arrived closer to Steve, Steve slammed his locker shut."What's going on? Leave Eddie alone." Steve blurted, he was worried for him.

"What do you know about The Hellfire Club?" Jason spoke."Its just a dungeons and dragons group! They gather around and play a game dude. Its not some demon summoning cult you fools think it is!" Steve defended Eddie."Bullshit" Jason said, pushing Steve against the lockers."HEY!" Eddie kicked Andy's crotch and pulled Jason off of Steve."You little peice of SHIT!" Jason started charging at them."RUUUUUUN!" Eddie grabbed Steve's hand and started running, dragging Steve, who was a bit slower, mot used to running away from someone.

They lost Jason and hid in a bathroom stall."A-are you ok? That was some crazy shit back there.." Steve questioned,"Yeah..you?"
"I'm fine..maybe just a little bruise on the shoulder.." Steve pulled up the left side of his sleeve to see a big, purple bruise."Shit, I-i'm sorry Steve, I didn't mean for this to happen!" Eddie freaked out, pacing with the littlest space in the stall, both hands on top of his head."Its fine Eds, Jason is a jerk, he always have been" Steve got up, from sitting on the toilet, and laid against the wall."How long are we gonna hide here?" Steve asked Eddie."What? You don't like being alone together?" Eddie walked up closer to Steve, putting his finger under Steve's chin.

"N-no, thats not what I meant!" Steve was blushing uncontrollably,IS HE GONNA KISS ME? GOD DAMNIT EDDIE! JUST KISS ME IF YOU'RE GONNA!

Eddie leans in for a kiss, but before he does, Jason busts in the bathroom."MUNSON! HARRINGTON!" Jason yelled, it was a good thing they were in the last stall. Steve got on top of the toilet, so did Eddie, going slowly not trying to make noise. Jason started looking in each stall. "Shit, what are we gonna do?" Steve whispered,"Shh..I know what to do..!" Eddie whispered back, they slowly unlocked the door, and waited for Jason to go in the stall next to them. Once he did, the quickly shut the door behind him and ran out the bathroom."FUCK!"

Eddie and Steve decided to skip the rest of school, to get away from Jason."You hungry?" Eddie asked."Not really, lunch just got over" Steve stated. Steve and Eddie both got in Steve's car and Steve went to Eddie's trailer.

'Time Skip because yes'

At Eddie's trailer, Steve went in and the first thing he noticed was Eddie's guitar."Why don't you give me a private show?" Steve joked."I could. Any song request?" Steve sat in thought,"Dancing in the dark! My favorite song!" Steve suggested. "Sure!" Eddie set up his guitar and started playing the notes.

'Another time skip because it was a private show for STEVE, not you🙄'

"Wow...I didn't know you could sing! That was so good Eddie!" Steve started clapping."You're welcome, you're welcome" Eddie bowed. Eddie put away his equipment and sat down on the couch next to Steve."How about we continue what we were doing in the bathroom stall?" Eddie said, looking straight into Steve's eyes."S-sure," Steve straightened his body and faced it towards Eddie.

Eddie leans in, the same way he did in the stall, only this time, he made it. The kiss started off nice and slow, Steve put his hand on Eddie's neck. Then Eddie put his hands on Steve's arms, his right hand slipping up onto the back of Steve's head. Eddie pulls away first."Who knew Eddie Munson could instantly fall inlove with King Steve?"Eddie said, falling on top of Steve, Steve laying flat on the couch. Steve looked at Eddie and smiled."And who knew Steve Harrington could fall inlove with Eddie Munson?"

Before leaving, Steve gave Eddie one last kiss."I gotta go home before my parents do," Steve said opening the door."Come bye anytime Harrington" Eddie shut the door behind Steve. Eddie fell asleep on the couch, dreaming about his Steve.

Me: sorry to piss y'all off about the stall part, but his mission did succeed! I hope you enjoyed this part! This and the last one was probably my favs, more parts will be added soon! Bye 😁

I Was Made For You - Steddie FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now