4 - Uh Oh!

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The people who parked the car was Steve's parents. Steve was afraid they would kick Eddie out of the house, having the wrong idea of what happened. Steve could hear the front door unlocking."Lookie lookie here, the big boy's parents are home" Eddie said, Steve covered his mouth. Steve didn't know what to do in the moment, so he stuffed Eddie in his closet."Uhm? Something wrong Steve? Why you putting me in the closet? Saving a snack for later?" Eddie chuckled,"What? N-no! J-just stay here till my parents are out of the way, I'll explain later." Without letting Eddie speak another word, Steve shut the closet door and sat on his bed, waiting for his parents to check on him."Steve? We're home!" Steve's mom said. Steve's parents went to check on Steve to see if he wasn't doing anything he was supposed to. "Hi, Steve" his mom said,"Hi mom" Steve gave her a fake smile."Whats...with the weird outfit choice..?" His mother spoke again."O-oh, its only jogging pants and a t-shirt, nothing special.." his mother was getting a bit annoyed."You know you are supposed to wear proper sleep wear, go get changed." His mom left the room, Steve was happy they didn't suspect a thing, but his father didn't leave."I know someone's over..where are they" said Steve's father,"W-what..?" Steve didn't understand how his father knew.."There is clothes we never bought you on the floor, black and metal, who is over? SHOW ME-" Steve went ro the closet,"OK!" his father watched as he pulled Eddie out of the closet. "IS HE WEARING YOUR CLOTHES?" his dad shouted."Uhm..hi..Steve's dad...?" Steve's dad checked the bed, still warm, both sides.."you guys slept together.." someone tell me how the fuck does this guy know everything- Eddie thought. "YOU," Steve's dad pointed at Eddie,"YOU ARE NOT WELCOME HERE, DO YOU UNDERSTAND BOY?" Eddie looked to the ground."Y-yes sir.." he mumbled, Eddie quickly grabbed his clothes and headed out the door, not returning Steve's clothes."When you see that guy again, get your clothes back" Steve's dad said, he sat down on Steve's bed and gestured his hand for Steve to sit beside him."We need to talk" Steve was listening, waiting to answer his father's questions."How come you didn't talk to us about having sex with the same gende-" Steve's dad got cut off,"WHOA WHOA WHOA WHOA WHOA..WE DID NOT HAVE SEX DAD" Steve's dad looked at him in confusion,"So, I kicked a boy out for nothing?" Steve was looking at his father like if this was a joke"You're not even mad about anything else? Why he was over? Why he was wearing my clothes? WHY WE SLEPT TOGETHER?" Steve's dad laughed,"No, really, I was just really worried you guys were doing something you weren't supposed too" Steve looked up at his dad, trying to come clean."D-dad..what if I told you I were...queer?" Steve asked."Honestly, its not really supported around here, but..you're the only son I have, and the only son I'll love, no matter what.." Steve went to hug his dad.

His mother came walking in Steve's room,"Who just left?" She asked. "This guy named Eddie, he's a friend of mine.." Steve said,"Do you want to tell her?" Steve's dad asked,"Sure.." Steve stood up and walked over to his mom and hugged her, to whisper in her ear."Mom...I..think..I'm queer.." Steve whispered,"Oh Steve, I have two friends who are just like you, just know your in a loving home.." his mother spoke, Steve still had to warn Eddie he was welcomed back, even when he was kicked out.

When his parents were sleeping, Steve dialed the recent number he had talked to..*ring* *ring* "hello? " a voice spoke. "Hi, uhm, I need to speak to Eddie Munson?" Steve said."Oh, Ed! Someone's on the line!" Steve heard in a muffled sound. " Its Eds your mans, hello?" Steve laughed at what Eddie said, wanting to deliver the same package."Its Stevie Sweetie" You can hear Eddie laugh. Taste of his own medicine."Whats up Harrington?" Eddie said,"Just wanna let you know you're welcome back to my house," Steve informed Eddie."Really? How come?" Eddie asked. " My dad just got mad because he thought we had...s-sex.." Steve blushed even saying that word."Oh" Eddie also lit up red.."Maybe we can do that another time big boy" Eddie spoke breaking the silence,"Are you kidding me Munson? Hell no!" Eddie was laughing,"I know Stevie, we have school tommorrow, see you!" Eddie waited for a goodbye back before he ended the call. "See you Eddie, night." Eddie hanged up and went to bed happy, same with Steve. He couldn't wait to tell Robin what he did today.

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