8 - Sleepover Round Two ;)

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Authors note: don't ask why I posted three parts in one day. I'm on my creative mind right now 😌

Warning: Swears, inappropriate language, inappropriate scenes, homosexuality


"Fine" Robin goes to get another chair from an empty table. Robin sets the chair in between the two chairs. "How long is he going to take? I'm hanging out with Vickie at 2:00" Steve checked the time cause he hasn't since this morning. '12:18 '. "Should be soon." Robin snatches a mini cinnabon. "What the hell. That's me and Eddie's"   "-And Robin's" she added on as a joke. "Whatever, have as much as you want from mines, I'm not that hungry-"

• • •

"It's been 10 minutes, Steve. I think he ditched you..." Steve looked at the time, 12:28, "No, he wouldn't, he would never." The two hear footsteps approaching. "Steve! Oh thank god!" It was Eddie, finally! "What took so long, Eds?" Eddie was put of breath. "When I checked out, I forgot which way the cinnabon place was so I had to search the mall for a map!" Steve chuckled. "You could've just text me" Steve said as he held up his phone and waved it around.
   "Oh." Eddie sat down. "Who's this?" Eddie said as he just noticed Robin.

      "I'm his best friend. ANYWAYs. What do you think of Steve? Do you consider him hot? Cute? Seductive~?" Steve blushed. "Robin!" Robin sat back and ate a cinnabon. "What's up with her?" Steve sighed and passed Eddie his cinnabon cup. "Because she knows I have a crush on you" Robin's eyes blew up. "YOU JUST TOLD HIM YOU LIKED HIM IDIOT?" Steve giggled. "No, he knows." He turns to Eddie and it was the same as Robin's. "YOU HAD A CRUSH ON ME?" Steve blinked multiple times. "Was it not obvious-"

    "I'm so confused here, he knows? But he doesn't? Someone fill me in." Robin demanded. Steve didn't know if Eddie wanted to come out to a stranger he just met. Steve stared at Eddie until he gave an approving nod. Eddie notices Steve. Wait, does he want me to tell her?  I ain't telling her he can tell her. Eddie gives the nod to let Steve know he wants him to say it.

"What the fuck is with the nodding"





"I couldn't disrespect Eddie, I needed his approval first."

"Nice, oh, and does Eddie know what kind of mind you have?"

"Escuse me what?" Eddie replied.

   "Oh? So he doesn't? I'm going to tell him!!"
Robin grabbed Eddie and brought him somewhere far from Steve.

          Fuck you Robin.    

• • •

       Eddie and Robin come back and sit down. "Fuck you, Robin" Steve announced. Eddie chuckled. "What?" Eddie leaned in closer, so did Steve. "Fuck me instead" Eddie winked. Steve turned red and looks at Robin. Eddie grabs Steve's chin and rotates his face to look at Eddie. "You really do have a dirty mind"  "Well you literally just said 'fuck me'!"   "But did you have to turn that red?" Eddie leaned back. "I'm teasing, Steve Munson."  Steve layed his head on the table to hide the redness that has overcome his face.

       "Please stop.." Steve groaned. "Do you wanna go back to my trailer?" Eddie asked in a nice tone. Steve lifted his head up. "But we only went to one store?" Steve obviously wasn't ready to go back. "How bout we go see a movie?" Eddie suggested. "I can't, it's 12:42, I have to meet Vickie at 2:00, and the movie will get done after so I think I'm just gonna head to like two or three more store before leaving." Eddie got up and stretched. His shirt rode up and revealed his stomach. Robin caught Steve staring. "Damn, Steve wants you really fucking bad-" Eddie looked confused.

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