12 - For Today.

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A/n:  ENJOY SUFFERING. (not this chapter) also this is gonna be a long chapter.

Warning: GAY GYA GGYA GAYy :) and swears.AND STEDDIE AND THE FEELING OF BEING SINGLE. Also there is gonna be a short innapropriete scene (thanks for 90 reads btw)

    Steve checked out Eddie. They head out of the hospital and heads to the car. “I think you should stay home for the rest of the week..” Steve insisted. “What about you? You’re Jason’s second target..” Eddie frowned. “I’ll beat his ass and send him to the hospital.” Steve hops into the car,so does Eddie. “Uhm..is…it is it okay if uhm…we both skip tommorrow?” Eddie asked. Steve just sat there in thought. “Uh, but wouldn’t they just call my mom?” Steve faced Eddie.

    “Well, you can convince your parents that you’re sick?” Eddie suggested. “Yeah, but..I’d have to do it in person, not over the phone….wait…” Eddie smiled. “You wanna go to my house..?” Steve asked. He sat back in his seat. “Yeah! You convince them you’re sick, then they leave and I come over!”

        Steve pondered again. “But you can’t drive? And you don’t even have a car!” Eddie frowned. “Can you pick me up?” Eddie said with his puppy eyes. “Hm..sure..or you can sleep over tonight? I’ll convince my parents?” Eddie nodded. Steve started up the car and drove off.

. . .( at Steve’s house)

    Steve and Eddie get up and out of the car and Steve enters the house. “Stay here.” Steve motioned his hand as if he was telling a dog to stay. “Mom? Dad?” Nobody was home. It seems that they had extra work today..I wonder if it was a night shift..oh shit I forgot I can just text them! Steve reaches for his pocket and grabs his phone. *8 missed calls and 1 new message* Ah shit.

    (text text text)

*8 missed calls from “Mom”*

Mom: Steve? Your school called and said you were absent half the day? Are you skipping? Are you alright? Did something happen at school?

You: Hi mom, my phone wasn’t turned on. But one of my friends got beat up half to death and I kept them company at the hospital…sorry! But I also wanted to know..if that friend can sleep over? I think they’re scared to be alone with what just happened..

Mom: Ah, you had me worried there. And I’m so sorry about what happened to your friend. Uhm, me and your dad agree that your friend can sleep over BUTTT!!! It’s a school night so you must go to bed by 9:00 and get up!! And me and your dad have to work late tonight, so we will be back past 1:00! Sorry babes! Have a fun time..

You: Thank you mom, I love you.

Mom: Love you, see you in the morning!

        (no text no text no text)

    “Eddie, you can sleep over.” Eddie smiled. Eddie grabbed Steve’s hand and headed inside. “It’s like 5:00, I usually have dinner at 6:00. But we can eat now if you want?” Eddie shook his head. “I’m good..thanks though, Harrington.” Steve closed the door and hugged Eddie. “Ahhh..finally peace..” Eddie said, Steve chuckled.

    “Hm..what do you want to do?” Steve dragged Eddie to the couch. “Well, uhm..I was thinking maybe we could talk..not that there is something wrong, though!” Eddie confessed. “Oh uh, sure! What did you want to talk about, again?” Steve held Eddie’s hand. “Well, uhm..I don’t to worry you but um..I was thinking I could just vent..to get stuff off my mind..and stuff..”

    “Of course, anything for you..” Eddie took a deep breath. “Go ahead, whenever you're ready,” Steve informed him. “Ok well, uhm..I just feel like..maybe I should quit D&D..I just hate what happened today with Jason..and..my uncle..he’s been so caught up with his work.. I swear he basically sleeps there! And..my parents didn’t..really..well, lets just say they gave me up to my uncle to take care of..” Steve frowned. Steve put his hand on Eddie’s arm. Eddie started to tear up. “Yeah..uhm..I- I’m sorry..I’m not really..positive..right now..” Steve hugged Eddie. I feel bad for him.. He’s dealing with more than just a school bully.. Steve and Eddie make eye contact. Steve kisses Eddie. Eddie smiled, at least there was someone to cheer him up.

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