Chapter XIII: A Suspicious Human

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Sage was glad that she didn't have the new girl in any of her morning classes. It was now time for lunch and Sage was standing in Emmett's arms while she waited for the others. It was common for Sage and her mates to make an entrance always being in one or two of her mate's arms. Today she was going to be walking in with Edward and Kol. When Alice and Rose along with the rest of Sage's mates reached outside of the cafeteria, everyone of them gave Sage a loving kiss. Edward pulled Sage from Emmett's arms and placed his arm around her shoulders while Kol took her hand. Alice told the group that it was time to go in and her and Rose walked in first just to hear the new girl ask.

"Who are they?"


Looking over her shoulder, the gossip girl Jessica,answered, "That's Alice Cullen and Rosalie Hale.  Alice is really weird and Rosalie is queen bitch."

Just then the cafeteria doors opened again and Edward walked in with Sage in his arms and Kol had his hand in hers.  Stefan, Emmett and Jasper following in close behind their mate.

"What about them?"

Scoffing Jessica leaned closer to Bella to give her the gossip.

"The bronze hair guy is Edward Cullen, totally hot but only has eyes for the blonde girl in his arms.  She's Sage Stackhouse, she's from Louisiana or something like that.  The guy holding her hand is Kol Mikaelson, he's also from Louisiana, and also extremely hot but he's also with Sage," Jessica says rolling her eyes.

Jessica was one of the fair few who didn't like that Sage was so many hot guys, but she knew that they had to all be soulmates.  Everyone knew that only a few people in the world had soulmate marks and very few people actually found their soulmates.  Jessica then began talking again.

"The three guys behind Sage are also with her.  The big buff guy is Emmett Cullen, the blonde who looks to be in pain is Jasper Hale twin brother to Rosalie, and the mysterious guy is Stefan Salvatore who's from Virginia."

Bella continued to watch as Edward and Kol led Sage over to their table before watching Stefan getting two trays of food setting one down in front of her.  Sage smiled up at her mate as he sat down next to Alice while Edward sat down to her right and Kol to her left after getting a tray of food for himself. The rest of Sage's mates all sat around the table with their own trays of food, that they wouldn't eat.

As lunch continued Sage could feel someone watching her. Upon looking up, she noticed that the new girl was watching them but was mostly looking at Edward.  Sage glared at Bella causing the brunette to turn away and Sage took this time to read her mind.

"What makes that girl so special where she's dating so many guys? What a slut. Well I'm going to make one or all of them mine one way or another," Bella thought.

Sage couldn't help but become furious at what she heard. Sensing the change in his mates mood, Jasper tried to use his gift but was shocked when it wasn't working. Ever since he sat down, Edward hadn't looked away from the brunette and when Sage noticed her mate staring at the new girl did Sage smack him on the back of the head.

"She wants to make you and the others hers. You might not be able to read her mind but I can. Stay away from her, she's not your mate. Just remember that," Sage said as grabbed her bag and left the cafeteria.

Edward took one last glance at Bella before taking off after his mate. He knew that Sage made a point, Bella isn't his mate and he had Sage who loved him just like he already loved her. Catching up to Sage outside their Biology class, Edward grabbed her hand and pulled her into his embrace.

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