Chapter VII: Meeting Adele Stackhouse

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*** Recap***

Elijah, along with Damon and Stefan had now stood up and stood next to Sage protectively.  This caused Sam to slightly back down.

"Who are you?" Damon growled again when the man didn't answer.

"Sam Merlotte, owner of this bar and one of her sisters mates. What are you? You're not human."

"You're right, we're not human.  We're known as the Originals, the first type of vampire.  And not the same kind as the ones that came out a few years ago.  We are much stronger than them."

"Well, if you're done here then I suggest you leave," Sam said, as he placed a protective arm around Sookie.

"I got this sis, why don't you go see Gran," Sookie said to which Sage nodded.

Sage nodded once before taking Kol's and Klaus' hands and pulling them from the bar.  Once outside Sage told the two brothers to get into her car as Elijah and Stefan got into Damon's.  The drive to her Gran's was silent, Sage was slightly pissed at her two mates.  This is not how she wanted her family and friends to meet her mates.


As soon as Sage parked her car in front of her grandmother's house she didn't even bother waiting for one of her mates to open her door before she was out of her car. After popping the trunk of her, Sage grabbed all her bags while her mates slowly got out of the cars. Taking the last of her bags from the trunk, Sage turned to her mates, still mad at two of the five.

"You guys wait here.  It will be my Gran's decision to invite you in or not." Sage said before grabbing her bags and entering her grandmother's house.  "Gran, I'm home."

Adele entered the entrance hall to see her youngest grandchild.  Smiling, Adel pulled Sage into a loving hug, happy to see she's home safely. 

"Hi honey, I'm so happy you're home," Adele said as she pulled from the hug. "Now, you were telling me that you were bringing a few of your mates.  Where are they?"

"Still outside.  This is your house and as the owner, you have to invite them in.  Plus I'm mad at two of them. They threatened Jason when he told them he'd kill them if they hurt me," Sage explained before placing her forehead against her grandmother's, sharing the memory of what happened.

When Sage pulled away, she looked at her grandmother waiting for her to say something.  Adele smiled at her granddaughter before speaking.

"Sage, those two were just doing their job. They didn't know who Jason was to you and as your mates, they feel the need to protect you from anything."

"I know Gran, but Kol and Klaus are known for their tempers. I just don't want anyone I love to get hurt because of it," Sage said.

"Would it make you feel better if I put those two boys in their place for upsetting you?
Adele asked in a teasing voice, causing Sage to chuckle before she nodded.

Adele smiled at her granddaughter while she took Sage's hands in hers.  Sage smiled back at her grandmother for she knew that her Gran would make sure that not just Kol and Klaus knew that if they ever hurt her in any way that she would personally give her granddaughter's mates Hell.  Turning towards the front door Sage followed her grandmother and stood at the doorway while Adel exited the house to stand on the porch.  When Adel walked out onto the porch  she saw that Sage's mates were still standing by the two cars waiting for their mate to return.

When Sage's mates saw the oldest Stackhouse all of them stood up straight, waiting for either their mate or her grandmother to speak. Adele looked back at Sage to see her leaning against the door frame with her arms across her chest. Looking back at the five immortals Adele spoke.

"You must be Sage's mates. I'm her grandmother, Adele. Now from what Sage has told me is that the two of you are the Salvatore brothers and you three are the Mikaelson brothers."

Adele had pointed towards Damon and Stefan first then to Elijah, Kol, and Klaus, letting Sage's mates know that she knew who they were. When Adele's eyes landed on Kol and Klaus she had a look of sternness on her face. Turning back towards Sage, Adele nodded once before Sage spoke.

"Elijah, Damon, Stefan will you please accept my invitation and come in," Sage asked as she smiled at three of her mates.

Elijah was the first to move toward his mate. When he got next to her grandmother, Elijah took her hand in his before he kissed the back of it.

"It is an honor to meet Sage's grandmother and thank you for allowing me to enter your lovely home," Elijah said as he gave her his signature smile. "I am Elijah Mikaelson."

"My, aren't you a charmer, young man," Adele said, with a smile of her own.

Elijah moved towards his mate, taking her into his arms in a protective hold.  Damon and Stefan looked at one another before both brothers made their way toward Adele to introduce themselves the same way as Elijah.  Before both brothers joined Elijah and Sage.  When both brothers reached their mate, Stefan stood behind Sage, wrapping his arms around her waist and placing his chin on her shoulder as they watched Adele Stackhouse stare down the Original Hybrid and the Psychotic Original. 

"Now for the two of you.  I understand that it is in your instinct to want to protect your mate at all cost, and I know that both of you are more of the type to kill first and then ask questions later.  But when it comes to Sage you both need to understand that it's best to ask questions and then kill whoever it may be to protect your mate.  Just remember this, you hurt someone Sage cares for and you will be hurting her." Adele said to the two Mikaelson brothers, however, it was meant as a warning to all her mates and she would be giving the Cullen boys the same warning.

"Please forgive us ma'am and Sage for our behavior towards Jason," Klaus said.

"It's just we don't take kindly to threats," Kol explained, "But from here on forward we will try to keep our killing ways to a minimum."

Adele looked at her granddaughter, who was looking at her last two mates.  Both Kol and Klaus had an honest look on their faces Sage took a deep sigh.  Sage decided to read both of their minds to know if they meant what they said.

"Please baby girl, I am sorry for my temper.  I will try to keep it in check. I just love you too much to let you be hurt." Klaus thought.

"Beautiful, I'm sorry for threatening your brother.  It won't happen again, I promise.  I love you so much," Kol thought.

Looking toward her grandmother, Sage nodded her head letting her grandmother know that they were being honest.  Adele turned back to the two brothers before she spoke.

"Kol, Niklaus Mikaelson please come into my home," Adele said with a smile toward the two.

Both Kol and Klaus slowly made their way up to Adele before formally introducing themselves just as the others had to their mate's grandmother.  Sage couldn't help but smile at her two mates as they interacted with her grandmother.  When Kol and Klaus reached Sage they each pulled her into their arms before apologizing again.

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