Chapter XI: Two Human Mates Are Friends?

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When the group reached the upper living room, Sage couldn't help but look around the elegant home. It was then that she saw someone who she hadn't seen in a year in a half. Letting go of Stefan's hand and gently pushed past her other mates to address her "brother from another mother" so to speak.

"Well, look what the gator dragged up from the swamp," Sage said as she looked at the black hair, the brown-eyed guy in the room.

This caused the man to look up at the sound of a voice he hadn't heard in nearly two years. When the man turned to look at who spoke he couldn't help but smile at the young telepath.

"Well, well, well Sage Stackhouse the spitfire of Bon Temps," the man said as he approached the young girl he saw as a little sister.

"Hello Aaron Hotchner," Sage said as she met him halfway, and the two humans in the room hugged.

All of the immortals in the room were speechless. No one saw this coming, not even Alice. To say that they were surprised was an understatement.


When the two humans broke apart they were smiling at one another, completely ignoring the vampires in the room.

"So this is where you've been hiding out.  Could have used you the last couple of months," Sage said, still ignoring her mates.

"What happened Sage," Aaron asked the young girl.

Sage walked up to her friend, placed her hands on the side of his head, and pulled him slightly forward so their foreheads were touching.  The Cullens were confused but Sage's other mates knew what she was doing, she was sharing her memories with her friend.

"What's she doing," Esme asked, concerned for her mate.

"She's sharing her memories with him. Don't worry, he's fine Esme," Edward said as he also saw Sage's memories.

Hearing this Sage pulled from Aaron just as the memory of her nearly being killed by Rene was about to be shared.  Sage wasn't ready to go down that path with anyone.  Sage looked over to her brother mates for the first time and the burning sensation finally disappeared as her eyes landed on the four sets of golden eyes.  Her eyes landed on Edward then before she spoke.

"You're able to read minds too," Sage said sounding surprised.

"Yes, I can read minds.  What happened to you sweetheart and who was the blonde guy giving you blood," he asked as he slowly approached his mate.

"What is he talking about, love," Klaus asked.

Taking a deep breath Sage tried to calm herself down.  She wasn't ready to tell that story yet to her mates. It happened just a week before Sage met the Mikaelson brothers.  Sensing his mate's discomfort, Jasper slowly approached Sage and pulled her close to his chest, wrapping his arms securely as he used his gift to calm her down.

"It's okay darling, you don't have to tell us right now.  We will understand and want you to tell us when you're ready," he said to her.

Sage looked up into his face.  Her dark blue eyes met his golden ones.  Smiling at her, Jasper took his right hand and brushed his hand over her cheek before his hand passed over his mating mark on her left arm.  This action caused Sage to have the same reaction she had when the Mikaelson and Salvatore brothers touched their marks.

Placing her hand on his cheek, Sage pulled her honey blonde down to her where their lips were centimeters away. Not being able to wait any longer, Sage pulled her mate the last few centimeters and kissed him.  This surprised the Cullens because they all knew that Jasper was the newest to their diet, but not Sage's other mates.  When the two pulled apart Sagewas the first to speak.

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