Chapter XVI: Feild Trip and a Date With Elijah

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Elijah nodded before Kol helped his mate off the hospital bed, wrapping his arm protectively around his mate. Elijah led his younger brother, Damon, and Sage out of the ER room. As the mates walked down the hallway they saw Bella talking to Edward, well more like Bella was interrogating Edward as he tried to walk away. When Edward looked up and saw his mate, he nearly ran to her side, pulling her from Kol's arms and kissing her right in front of Bella. Seeing Edward kiss Sage right in front of her, Bella let out an angry huff before storming away.

Pulling away from the kiss Sage couldn't help but smile at her mate's boldness. Usually, Edward wasn't one for public affection, yes he would kiss her on the head and hold her hand but he never would kiss her on the lips in public. Smiling at their mate, Damon cleared his throat causing Sage to blush.

"Let's go home now before Klaus causes a scene," Sage said, grabbing Edward's and Kol's hands to lead them out of the hospital.


When the group arrived at their house, Klaus vamped out of the house and appeared in front of his mate.  Nearly pulling her from the car and into his arms, Klaus pressed his lips in a hungry kiss against hers.  Sage smiled into the kiss, throwing her arms around Klaus' neck deepening the kiss.  Klaus placed his hands on Sage's waist, pulling her flush against him as he deepened the kiss.  Sage moaned into the kiss as Klaus gently bit her lip as he continued to kiss her.  The two only broke apart when Elijah cleared his throat, gaining the attention of the kissing mates.

"Will you let the poor girl get out of the car on her own Klaus before you decide to suck her face off," teased Damon, earning a slight growl from Klaus.

Looking up at her hybrid mate, Sage placed her hand on his chest while looking up at him.

"Klaus, calm down.  I know you must have been worried about me and I don't know what it'd feel like to lose one of you," Sage said looking not just at her hybrid mate but all of her mates, "But I'm okay, I'm alive thanks to Edward even though we're going to have more problems now with Bella.  But I'm grateful that he saved me."

Sage looked back to her fellow mind-reader and gave him a thankful smile. Klaus put his arm around his mate's shoulders and led her into the house where Esme pulled the young telepath into her arms and gave her a motherly hug.

"I'm so happy to see that you're okay Sage. I was afraid of what Klaus or any of your mates would do if something happened to you," Esme said.

Klaus slightly glared at the maternal vampire, but when he heard his mate giggle he turned to smile down at his mate with nothing but love. Klaus led Sage into the Cullen's house where Esme led her into the kitchen for something to eat. After everything calmed down and Carlisle returned, Sage spent time with not just her mates but the other Cullens.

***A Few Days Later***

It was the day of the science class field trip to a greenhouse. Bella was standing in the same spot as the accident. When she looked up, Bella saw Sage arriving in her car with Stefan and Kol as Alice, Edward, and Jasper pulled up next to the telepath. Bella was watching Sage talk to Alice as Stefan had his arms wrapped around her waist from behind her while she was surrounded by her mates. Mike Newton walked up to Bella then and began to speak to her, but since she was looking at Edward, trying to find a way for not just him but the other Cullens and Sage's mates to be her.

Sage was listening in on Bella's thoughts and had told her mates what the Swan girl was thinking causing all of them to growl lowly. Ever since the almost accident, Sage has been drinking from either Elijah, Damon, or Klaus just as a precaution. When the group of students reached the greenhouse Sage was standing next to Edward with his around her shoulders and Stefan's arm around her waist. As the trio looked at some blue roses Bella decided to walk up to them.

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