Chapter XII: The Return of Isabella Swan

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Five minutes later Alice went to find Kol, who was sitting in the living room with his brothers and the Salvatores.

"She's decent and still asleep," Alice said.

"Thank you again Alice for helping our mate," Elijah said as he smiled up at the seer vampire.

"It's no problem, Sage, Rose, and I are going to be best friends. I must warn you now though, in two weeks' time there will be a new student who happens to be Edward's blood singer. She will try to get between Edward and Sage and she will bring danger with her."

"SHE will not live long if she harms our mate," Klaus growled, allowing his hybrid face to appear, startling Alice.

"I know that all of you will keep Sage safe, plus she will make friends with someone at school who is your brother, Finn's mate. She'll help him feel human again." Alice said with a smile before she left.

Everyone looked at one another before they decided to go to bed. Kol went to his room to change into a pair of sweatpants before walking across the hall to Sage's room. When he got there Kol saw that Carlisle had just opened her window and entered the room. Both vampires nodded at one another before Kol slid into bed next to Sage who immediately snuggled into his side. Carlisle got in behind Sage and as if she could sense him, Sage reached backend took hold of Carlisle's shirt pulling him closer to her. Carlisle smiled as he pressed his chest against his mate's back while wrapping his arms around her waist. Sage couldn't help but smile in her sleep at feeling two of her mates so close to her. Now she just had to complete the mating bond with them when she was ready. The question is who would Sage choose first?


***Two Weeks Later***

It's been two weeks now since Sage, the Mikaelson, and the Salvator brothers started at Forks High School.  On her first day, guys were trying to get with her because of her beauty, but by lunch, everyone knew that Sage Stackhouse was in a polymer relationship with the Cullen boys, Kol Mikaelson and Stefan Salvatore.  It was stated that over the winter break that the Cullens, who were friends with the Mikaelsons and Salvatores had all met Sage and her family sometime during the break, and the high school boys all fell in love with her at first sight.

It was on the second day that Sage had met a girl by the name of Angela Webber in her English class.  Angela was a quiet girl who had an interest in photography and Sage offered to model for her whenever she needed one.  Upon hearing this Sage's mates couldn't help but have improper thoughts of their mate in different clothes of their fantasies.  By the beginning of her second week, the news of Chief Swan's daughter returning to Forks was big news.  Sage could care less about the girl returning home but something continued to bother her.  It was the start of Sage's third week of school.  It seemed like the whole town of Forks had come to accept the Stackhouse's relationship with the five boys, however not know about her having four other mates waiting for her back at home.  

As Sage stood with her mates outside of the school waiting for her class with Jasper and Kol to start, the sound of a truck backfiring drew everyone's attention.  Upon seeing the ugly orange truck, Sage couldn't help but read the person's mind inside of the cab.  All Sage could hear was that this person didn't want to be there, but something in her gut was making her uneasy about the girl.

Jasper sensing his mate's emotions shift causes him to look at her with concern, "What's wrong darling?"

"I don't trust that new girl, something about her mind makes me uneasy," Sage said as Kol tightened his arms around his mate. 

"Well let's go to class and not worry about the new girl," Stefen said, taking his mate's hand and leading her to class.

Sage was glad that she didn't have the new girl in any of her morning classes.  It was now time for lunch and Sage was standing in Emmett's arms while she waited for the others.  It was common for Sage and her mates to make an entrance always being in one or two of her mate's arms.  Today she was going to be walking in with Edward and Kol.  When Alice and Rose along with the rest of Sage's mates reached outside of the cafeteria, everyone of them gave Sage a loving kiss.  Edward pulled Sage from Emmett's arms and placed his arm around her shoulders while Kol took her hand.  Alice told the group that it was time to go in and her and Rose walked in first just to hear the new girl ask.

"Who are they?"

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