Chapter 13: Forgiveness and Bonding

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Hey guys! Sorry I took so long to update, it's been a busy week. But, I made this chapter long to make up for it. It's a really cute chapter and its all about people bonding :)

Vanessa's outfit on the side ----> 

Harry’s POV (POV changes soon, keep your eyes out for it)

As I walked back up to my room I was just so frustrated, how could she just leave without saying anything? I poured my heart into that song. I’m just…UGH I give up. I opened my door and walked inside. I sat on the corner of my bed looking at the paper in my hand with the song written on it. I crumbled it up and just let it sit there. Suddenly, I saw a hand take the paper and uncrumble it.

“This song is too precious to ever crumble up Harry,” said Vanessa. I just looked at her. I quickly stood up and the minute I did she tackled me into the biggest hug possible making us both fall over on to my bed. I looked at her looming on top of me and she, for the first time since I met her looked genuinely happy.

“I forgive you for everything Harry, and after so long, I can finally say this to someone besides Ash, I trust you with my everything, so please don’t break it because if you do…I don’t even want to think about what will happen after that,” she said shuddering.

Her words literally made my night; I knew I was starting to get feelings for her, but who knew they’d start coming so fast. From, the minute I heard her singing, it hit me. She was worth it, I would do anything to gain her trust and be there for her.

I just continued to look at her before I smiled.

“I would NEVER do that to you, especially after what it took to gain your trust back. I’m always going to be here for you Vanessa, remember that. It makes me so happy to see a genuine smile on your face,” I said. I meant it too. She got off of me and pulled me up along with her. I sat down on my bed and leant against the dashboard.

Vanessa’s POV

He looked so happy, seeing that look of happiness made me happy too.

“Vanessa, I don’t care how long we stay up, whether it’s all night or not; I want to know everything about you. Why you don’t trust people, what’s going in with your family, your headaches, everything. I want to help you and I need you to let me,” he said looking straight at me patting the bed next to him. I knew I would have to tell him everything eventually, and it would feel good for someone besides Ashley to know. I trusted him enough to know he won’t leave after me telling him. I sat down next to him.

“Okay, I’ll tell you whatever I’m comfortable telling you. Basically, I don’t even have a family, I have acquaintances. I think the last time I saw my dad was a year ago, and the last time I spoke to him was about 8 months ago. My mom, she treats me like her own personal Barbie doll. She’s raised me to be someone who’s perfect. I love my mom, I wouldn’t be where I am today without her. It’s just that, she’s not really a mom, if that makes sense? If I left my house for 3 months, she wouldn’t even realize it. Plus, to her, if an opportunity arises, she expects me to take it. She doesn’t once think about what I’m going through, or if I want to. This job I took before, it was only because of her, I didn’t want it. Of course, now I’m a little more excited about being able to dance again, but still,” I said to him. He just pulled me over next to him and made me put my head on his chest as he put his arm around me.

“Vanessa, I’m sorry your family turned out that way and it makes me really angry that your mom treats you that way. Although she made you very successful you clearly aren’t happy are you? You have a brand new family now, you have us and I promise you, that’s all you’re ever going to need,” he said smiling at me as he ran his hand through my hair slowly. He’s lucky I’m in a good mood, or I never let anyone touch my hair.

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