Chapter 2: Meeting With Management

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Next chapter :) This is a little short because I don't want to introduce Vanessa until the next chapter! I'll post the next one either tonight if I get the chance to write it or else tomorrow. I hope you like it! 

Dedicated to onedirection12x for there lovely comment on the chapter. 

I will dedicate the next chapter to a random commenter :) 

Harry's POV  

I didn't say one word to the other boys on our way over to the studio where we were meeting with Management. How could they even be so calm about this.

"Harry..Harrry..HARRRY," screamed Louis. I was shook out of my thoughts and I just glared at him.

"WHAT?" I half yelled, half asked. Louis was immediately taken aback by my attitude and I softened my glare. I looked outside and saw that we were here, I got out ignoring the looks I was getting from the lads, I was fuming with anger.

I walked into the room first with the other boys following me and I saw Simon and 2 other men sitting at the table looking at us.

"Sit down boys," said Simon.

I sat down and the others followed suit and we waited for them to speak. Simon had the magazine in his hand and he slammed it down on the table anger clear in his eyes, "do you boys have any idea how much this article is hurting your career? We have people asking for ticket refunds, you're lucky these tickets are non-refundable (A/N I don't know if they really are or not but just for the sake of the fan fiction I'm going to make it non-refundable)."

I spoke up, "Simon, we have gotten hate like this all the time, why is this one article creating so many problems? I don't know what the big deal is, she is probably just some annoying fan that is angry because she's upset about not being to meet us or something."

"No Harry, that is not the case. We have done some research, this girl Vanessa is one of Marie Claire's most well-known column writers, this magazine is a fashion magazine and Vanessa is one of their best fashion & dance writers so the fact that she wrote an article against a British-Irish boy band is a big deal, you boys have no idea what this could do to you if it gets out to other countries. We have to take another step before this article gets out to other countries, your reputation will be tarnished," said the tall man sitting with Simon.

"I have a suggestion, I really want to look into what made her write this article. If we're disappointing our fans then I want to know what we're doing wrong. Could we all sit together and discuss this and then maybe have her write out an apology article?" asked Louis.

"It's not that simple Louis, I have contacted Vanessa's boss and we have been told that she has been called for an interview with Graham Norton in a few days. Apparently, a lot of interviewers are interested in this gossip. This is about to be made a very big issue and who knows what she could say on live television. This interview is going to circulate all around the world so we have to fix this. I know you boys are angry but so is she so we have made a decision with the others before calling this meeting about what we are going to do," said the short man.

Simon sighed and looked at us and started talking, "I will be talking to Graham, you will be attending the same interview Vanessa will be attending. This interview will be such that you will sort out your problems in front of him. Graham is very good at turning tense situations into something to laugh at later on so I have full faith in everything turning out good."

"So let me get this straight, this random magazine writer writes an article bashing on our band, saying we haven't worked hard to get what we have and we have to go in front of her and pretend as if we're chill with her?" asked Zayn angrily.

"You will do as we say, we are doing this for your reputation, unless what she wrote is completely true and all you boys care about is the money and not about the number of fans you are losing," said the short man.

"Zayn, calm down, we will be there." said Liam sternly.

"Good, you're free to go, you boys are not to go out in the public eye until this interview happens. Stay hidden we don't need any more gossip," said Simon shaking our hands. As soon as we walked outside, apparently word got out that we were here and there was a huge crowd of screaming girls waiting outside. I rolled my eyes and pushed past security and walked straight to the car ignoring the calls I got from the boys and the fans. I looked behind and saw Liam and Niall smiling and signing a few autographs and I saw Louis taking a picture with a group of girls and Zayn doing the same as me and ignoring the fans and walked up to me. I saw tears in a few of the fans eyes and saw a huge amount walk away giving us glares. I saw the boys walk up to me and Liam thumped me and Zayn on the head glaring at us.

"What was that for?" we yelled.

"What'd you ignore them for? Did you not see them crying? Are you trying to lose them?" Liam and Louis. I looked down and realized what I did out of anger.

"Sorry, I'm just not in the best mood."

"Tweet an apology to those fans now, both of you!" said Louis sternly. I rolled my eyes and took out my phone and tweeted, "Not in the best mood, my apologies to the fans outside our studio, we really didn't mean to ignore you  love you all x"

On our way home, we stopped at Nando's and we ate dinner and I came home and crashed. What a long day.

On the side is One Direction's interview with Alan Carr, I found it hilarious!  What did you guys think about Management's decision? 

Vote & Comment what you think :)  

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