Chapter 2: The Party

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"How long is this party gonna take?" Alexis asked as she and Dianne approached the dorm exit.

Dianne had somehow found a way to convince Alexis that it wasn't such a bad idea to attend a party on her first day. It took a while but she eventually agreed.

Nothing could go possibly go wrong since the party was in the compound and... 

Dianne seems like good person. She had told herself as she changed out of her night gown.

She had thrown on a pair of black jeans and a sweatshirt. Dianne had told her it wasn't such a big party so it didn't really matter what she wore.

"It's probably gonna go on till around 11pm or midnight" Dianne replied, typing on her phone.

"What?" Alexis questioned, sharply turning to face Dianne.


It was at that point Alexis began to have second thoughts. Maybe it wasn't the smartest decision to go to a party with someone she had just met about an hour ago.

"Don't worry, we can leave whenever you want to." Dianne told her, slipping her phone into her pocket. "And I know you might be thinking it's not a very good idea to attend a party on your first day but it's going to be fine." She assured "And it's going to give us some time to get to know each other " she smiled with a one sided shoulder shrug.

"Speaking of getting to know each other..." Alexis began, slipping her hands into the pocket of her sweatshirt.  "your accent," she said.

She had actually given a lot of thought to it but she still couldn't figure it out.

"Yeah what about it?" Dianne asked, turning to face her.

"You're not from around here are you?" Alexis asked, genuinely curious.

"Not exactly" Dianne replied, tilting her head. "I'm part Nigerian, I was born and raised there" she explained.

"Whoa" Alexis' eyes widened "Nigeria?" She questioned, shock evident in her tone.

"Yeah" Dianne replied and she turned on her heels to completely face Alexis "Anything wrong with that?" She asked, cocking up an eyebrow. Her smile had vanished.

Alexis gulped, shifting nervously on her feet "No, no" Alexis smiled.  "It's just, I've never actually met anyone from there"she quickly explained. 

"You're gonna meet a few here" Dianne replied,  turning away from Alexis. 

"Oh, cool" she mumbled.

"I know" Dianne beamed.

They walked in silence for a few seconds before Alexis spoke up again. "Hold on, then how come Candace is your cousin?" She asked.

Candace was white, almost pale even. Kris had decided it was probably because she was a vampire waiting for the perfect time to pounce and drain her blood.

Ok maybe a little exaggerated but Candace was creepy.

"My mum is white" Dianne replied.

Then they finally got to the exit and stepped out of the dorm. Kris was absolutely fascinated by the sight before her. The entire space in front of the dorm was swarming with people, many holding solo cups. 

The place was brightly lit by the security lights around and a few other lights around the trees. Music was blasting from God knows where and everyone seemed to be having a lot of fun.

The party was actually right outside the dorm, not what Alexis was expecting.She just looked around completely amazed.

I really hope Noah isn't here.  She thought, scanning the place for him. He wasn't actually the type to attend parties but she knew he would totally freak out seeing her at a party on her first day.

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